10- Control

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TRIGGER WARNING: mention of SA/ rap3 (no direct scenes or anything) and the f slur

Ao'nungs POV

"Where is Neteyam?"

"What?" A Metkayina girl asks from behind me, just barely touching the sand where the water meets it.

"I said, where is Neteyam?" I raise my voice, my eyes whipping from side to side desperate for the glow of yellow eyes.

"He probably went home." The girl shrugs.

"Or to some girls home." Ihaka laughs, a few others joining him.

"This isn't funny!" I frantically put a stop to their laughter.

"Calm down bro. Seriously, he probably just went home." Ihaka tries to calm me, reaching out to hold my shoulder.

"No!" I smack his outstretched hand away from me, "he's fucking drunk out of his mind he could never get that far!"

"Someone probably brought him home then, why are you so worried." Another na'vi chimes in, I don't bother to notice who.

"I'm allowed to worry, he's drunk and vulnerable and he's my friend! He could pass out and choke on his puke or get attacked by who knows what or even drown I have every reason to be worried!" I ramble on until I can't breathe anymore.

"Sorry..." Ihaka trails off.

"Ao'nung is right." Aroha speaks up, "I mean, have you seen the way some of the Navi here look at him? He's admirable and cute who knows what someone would do with him when he's drunk?"

"No one does that shit he's probably just out banging some easy girl to take his mind off of his fucked up life." A guy I never bothered to learn the name of speaks up.

"The fuck do you mean no one does that shit? He's drunk and can't give consent what more do you need to know?" Aroha berates the guy.

"Rape isn't even real, sex is sex and knowing how uptight that guy is he could probably use a little push, he'd enjoy it." The guy laughs.

"What the fuck did you just say? I will gut you like a fucking trout-" Aroha begins to scream at the cunt.

"We need to go find him." Everything this guy says makes my skin burn and my head feel like it's going to explode but the thought of Neteyam in danger clouds out his remarks. "I will deal with you later." I place my pointer finger on the assholes chest before turning away.

"I'll help you!" Aroha calls out behind me, the sound of her footsteps in the wet sand following her words.

"Where do you think he went?" Aitua joins us in the search.

"I don't know! I don't think anyone saw him leave." I grit my teeth.

"I'll go ask, you guys keep looking!" Aitua rushes back to the group.

"You should probably help her, knowing Aitua noe one will want to talk to her." I urge Aroha.

"She'll be fine, she knows how to get people to talk. Anyways, I'm of more help to you here."



"A few others are checking the shoreline, no one knows where he went." Aitua returns, jogging and out of breath.

"So you're saying nobody has a clue where he is? Fuck!" I respond.

"Well nobody knows where Kai went either. Do you think that Neteyam tried to take him in another ikran ride?" Aitua realizes, eyes wide.

Neteyam x Ao'nung: in the cover of the leavesWhere stories live. Discover now