7 - Desperate

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AN: Long ass chapter, my bad. My last chapter was like a milestone of cringe so Ill try to keep it to a minimum here (I'm lying).

Within seconds of being on stage the crowd has quieted, their gazes all intently directed to my parents and I.

"As you all know, my son, my oldest child, and your soon to be cheif, is becoming a man today! The skimwing ritual will be tough, but remember that this is a celebration; so please, enjoy the feast, enjoy the music, and most importantly enjoy yourselves!" My father calls out to the people, his voice booming as always. The people cheer momentarily but soon return to their previous involvements. Before heading off stage my mother pats my back and whispers to me as we turn towards the stairs,

"Go have fun, this is your day. Just, be sure to be back here just as the first star is visible in the sky." With a smile, she goes her own way, my father in tow. As I take the opposite stairs down I'm met with Tsireya and the two Sully brothers.

"This is gonna be so much fun!" Tsireya squeals, clearly more excited for my birthday than I.

"Have you guys eaten yet?" I ask them, the emptiness in my stomach catching up with me.

"I have." Tsireya responds.

"I haven't." Neteyam says, his eyes directed straight at my own.

"Let's eat then, I'm starving!" I throw an arm around his shoulders and start towards the tables, not bothering to wait for Lo'aks response.

"You're usually and early bird, I'm surprised you haven't had breakfast by now." I look down at the boy, only speaking now that we're far enough from our siblings that they won't have the chance to interupt.

"Yeah there's been a lot on my mind." He breaks eye contact as he speaks, his voice sheepish and fading.

"Oh what's up with you?"

"Y'know just... Things." He mumbles, hands clasped and fidgeting awkwardly.

"If you say so." I grin down at him, I'll have to find out more later. "So what did happen at Lo'aks ceremony."

"Hey!" I hear the grunt call from behind.

"Shit, I said that too loud." I grit, Neteyam only raises his hand and laughs lightly at my remark combined with Lo'aks frustration.

When we reach the tables we sit next to eachother, Lo'ak and Tsireya sitting across from us. Almost everyone else has either eaten already or are carrying their plates rather than sitting, a few outliers take up the communal benches as well though. Neteyam takes a small plate from one of the stacks and loads up a few boiled bird eggs, a palm sized helping of white fish, and the fills the remainder of his plate with a salad consisting of fragrant flowers buds, greenery taken from around the forest, and small chunks of pink and yellow fruits. Lo'ak and Tsireya nibble on some fried grubs while I take a larger plate and fill it with a variety of the foods prepared.

"You weren't lying when you said you were starving." Neteyam smiles up at me.

"All of these people made this food in my honour, so of course I have to try it all!" I grin back at him and return to my plate.

"That is not something that should come out of your mouth." Lo'ak states with a dumbfounded look on his face.

"What do you mean ponytail?" I spit.

"You're never that thoughtful or considerate. Have you been possessed?" He questions, eyes still wide.

"I'm always this nice, halfling."

"You say that and yet you've insulted me every time we've spoken." He frowns.

"Well yeah, why would I be nice to you?"

Neteyam x Ao'nung: in the cover of the leavesWhere stories live. Discover now