4- I fucked up

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Ao'nungs POV

Neteyam sits above me, holding down my arms with a strength such a thin body shouldn't be able to produce, and all of my surroundings seem to fade to black. All I can see is him. His face littered with flecks of white, his burning yellow eyes filled with joy, pride, rage and another emotion I can't quite place, his shining black braids that away with his every movement, the earth tones beads that dangle on his braids and sit in an orderly fashion around his neck, highlighting his every move. Yes, all I can see is this foreigner, with skin more violet in tone than my own, even as he holds me down against the sand. What's wrong with me? I should be struggling, fighting back, but I stopped squirming seconds after he began to hold me down. How long has he been holding me? Seconds? Minutes? I've lost track of it all. This forest freak is probably using some sort of witchy voodoo magic on me, I can't bring myself to break free from his grasp as even the smallest struggles seem to take great effort since my mind can't help but fixate on him. This is awkward. What if the others are looking? I must look weak; such a thin boy holding me, the admirable Metkayina cheifs only son, down with such ease! This freak needs to get off of my lap, now! He needs to let go of my wrists and go back to where he came from! I begin to shift against his weight,planting my heels in the sand and lifting my hips towards the air in an effort to lift him off of me. In response to my movements Neteyam lifts one of his hands from my wrists and places it on my chest to push me down and shifts his hips as to not fall off of me so easily. He also plants his feet in the ground, straining hard against my fight, but I can lift my wrists now that Hewlett only one hand to hold them. He may be stronger than I thought but he isn't so strong as to be able to hold me down like a fish ready to be filleted out of water. I pull my hands free of his grip, causing his supporting hand to fly free from under him and making him fall forwards towards me. I use my hands to grab his waist and swing my right leg hard enough that I flip him into his back, switching the roles of our previous position. Now, I straddle his waist and hold his hands down at his sides, tight to his waist, by wrapping my seemingly much larger hands completely around his enough so that my finger tips can reach all the way to his torso, my three longer fingers burrowed under him in the sand and my thumb on his stomach for each hand. By now we're a panting mess, him glaring up at me while trying to catch my breath and me glaring down at him, attempting the same feat. Much to our dismay this gives us time to break our long held eye contact and look at our surroundings where the others are still... Were previously fighting.

Now, minus one of my friends that had been knocked unconscious by Neteyam and another that was rolling around covering his bleeding face with his hands, they were all starring awe-struck at us, somewhat confused and seemingly disgusted. Lo'ak is laying with his chest on the sand, propped up on his elbows, and is whale eyeing at us. Kiri is... Giggling? Freak. Not to mention my friend-

I get off of Neteyam with a shove, pushing him further down into the sand and spit in Lo'aks direction.

"Fuck off, freaks." I try to assert but come off sheepishly. As I hear the shouts of Jake Sully approaching, I watch my two awake friends help up the unconscious one, and I run off with them close-ish behind.
But I don't stop when they stop. I don't stop when they collapse to the ground, asking me where we're going through strained lungs. I don't stop when I pass Roxto, his face heavy with concern. I don't slow down for Tsireya when she walks by my with a group of young at her side. I don't even stop when I hear my parents yell my name from nearly across the village. I just keep running.

Eventually, I make it into the forest near the lake where I play fought with Neteyam. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. What am I thinking! What was I thinking! I can't stay here, in this place, I fucked up and it's his fault. Why do I act like a fucking fish out of water when I'm around him? He's just so damn perfect! He's so cool headed and strong willed and kind and everything that I'm not! He'll make an amazing olo'eyktan, unlike my pathetic ass. I can't keep letting him get under my skin, I need to be better than him. But I can't! Fuck! I feel years form in my eyes, but even while alone in the forest I know not to let the prickling sting in my eyes become anymore than that. Leaders don't cry. Boys don't cry.

Neteyam x Ao'nung: in the cover of the leavesWhere stories live. Discover now