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The next day, something was off.

Mark woke up to get a drink, he walked past the medic room but then he saw blaz

"Hey blaz, why are you up so early?" Mark asked 

" there's been tons of reports of staff dying or getting severely injured and I'm currently trying to heal them, dav also woke up early to try to solve it"

Blaz replied in an exhausted voice, he was clearly tired from the amount of patients that came in.

"That sucks" mark replied

Mark wanted to go skateboarding but no one was in the mood and Seth was healing from his  injuries.

"I might as well skateboard in my room... it's big so no one will care" mark said to himself

He then proceeded to skateboard in his room while the others woke up.

2 hours later he had breakfast with the others, he sat down and had banana and pancakes.

While mark ate the pancakes, amersia was confused on how the food went through his visor.

"How does the food go through your visor?" Amersia asked

"Simple! They are made out of microbes that we can eat and breathe through!"

Mark replied

"Ohhhhhhhhhh, thanks for telling!" Amersia responded back

After a few hours, dav decided that his brother Alex should take the rest to a theme park.

"Kids, you will be going with my brother Alex to a theme park, he will choose the theme park"

Dav announced

"I HAVE AN UNCLE?!" sari bursted out in excitement, she never knew she had an uncle so she was excited to meet him.

"Kaz will be your gaurd, have fun"

Dav announced too.

"So Alex, which theme park will we be going to?" Dav asked Alex on the phone

"What about jammy's and nighty's? It's lots of fun and I went there as a kid!"

Alex replied on the phone 

"Okay then, I will drive you there"

Dav replied.

A few minutes later, Alex arrived to the base.

First he interacted with eachother.

"Oh hey! You must be my uncle, right?" Sari asked Alex

"Yup! I am!" Alex replied

"woah really?!?! You must be so cool!" Sari responded

"Anyways, your father is going to drive us there" Alex responded

Kaz walked into the room and saw Alex.

"You must be dav's brother Alex, right?" Kaz asked Alex

"Yes! I am, today we will be going to a theme park! You better keep my niece safe!"

Alex replied.

"Okay! Good to hear!"  Kaz responded.

A few minutes later, dav drove them to the park.

"Have fun, kids!" Dav said to the kids before driving off.

At the entrance, there was a no pets sign

"Hey, you can't bring that dog here!" One of the staff informed Kaz

"But he's a guard dog, He's supposed to be helping me guard these kids because they  are associated with the feshade spy agency!" Kaz replied

"Oh! Sorry for the misunderstanding! You may enter!"

The staff responded to the reply.

Cinnamon was slightly happy about being allowed into the theme park.

As they entered, sari and amersia looked at the rides in amazement.

"Alex, can we please go in the carousel?!" Sari asked Alex.

"Sure! You may go in the carousel! Kaz will gaurd you!"

Alex replied.

"Cmon kids, let's go to the carousel"

Kaz said to amersia and sari.

They went on the carousel and had fun.

Some kid started saying mean things about sari

"Hey there weird colored freak!" The kid shouted out.

"Dude! Are you crazy?! That kid is the daughter of the leader of the feshade agency!"

Another kid shouted out.

"Oh! Sorry!" The kid said in embarrassment.

cinnamon Looked the kid straight in the eyes, the kid could hear the message "don't ever do that again.." Inside his head

In fear, the kid got off the carousel and ran to his mom crying out "MOMMY!"

Kaz smiled and winked at cinnamon whilst whispering "good job,"

Kaz and cinnamon decided to join in the carousel, cinnamon went with sari and Kaz went with amersia.

While the 4 rode the carousel, Alex, mark and Seth were sitting on a bench eating popcorn with a lot of merchandise on them.

"Alex, why did you buy us all this merchandise?"

Mark asked Alex

"Oh! I thought you would like it!"

Alex Replied.

"Atleast the gradient pink, red, orange, yellow, lime green, cyan and purple go together" Seth responded 

"I'm bored, I'm just going to go bumper cart racing" mark said to Alex and Seth

"Okay! Stay safe!" Alex replied

Mark got off the bench, he left his popcorn there and went into the racing area.

Surprisingly, someone was already there to race.

But then the lights turned off. and before the race began, mark saw a familiar figure on the second cart.

"What the? HOLY-" mark shouted as he looked behind and saw that the figure was the same person that knocked Seth off the ramp, this time they had a butcher's knife.

Then the race began, mark tried to go as fast as he could on the cart.

"CMON! I HAVE TO WIN THIS RACE IF I WANT TO LIVE!" mark said to himself in panic and fear.

The figure started catching up to him, then mark realized he had brought one of the mini figures of jammy, so mark threw the figure at the strange figure causing them to stop for a few Seconds.

Mark used this as an advantage to win, he continued racing while the figure was far behind.

"GET BACK HERE!" The figure shouted in an angry voice, mark just ignored them and continued racing.

The figure threw the same mini figure mark had threw at them, the sharp and pointy plastic ears managed to make a huge cut on mark's arm that was bleeding Very fast.

Mark ignored the pain and continued racing, he saw that the end was nearby and kept on going.

Once he reached the end of the race, the lights went back on and the strange figure was no where to be seen.

"Weird..." mark thought to himself

He got off the ride, and went back to the bench

"How was the ride?" Alex asked mark

"Ummm.. it was good?" Mark replied.

They continued to go on more rides.

Coming soon....

(Also chapter 6 will be set at the same theme park)

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