The case of amersia chapter 4 | the mystery

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The next day, everyone woke up just fine.

Cinnamon didn't need any sleep because he was dead and was basically immortal

They had breakfast as usual, but then Seth had the weird feeling of being watched.

He would start checking his surroundings for intruders, everything seemed to be normal

"Weird....  I thought someone was there.."

Seth thought to himself.

Later on, amersia and sari would play some games together while Kaz supervised them.

Blaz was healing a guard's broken leg, everything was normal but Seth felt something off.

Seth went to his room thinking about what has happened and why he felt like someone was watching him.

After hours of trying to ignore it, he went to the security room and checked the CCTV footage, all the rooms were normal except the lounge. He noticed someone weird holding a chainsaw with blood on it.

"What the..." he whispered in a slight bit of confusion

He mostly tried ignoring it for the rest of the day, he decided to help dav with some stuff.

"Thanks for the help, Seth" dav said to Seth after all the work

"No problem!" Seth replied 

Seth was tired and wanted to go to sleep.

He went to his room and went to sleep, he heard some banging coming from the vents.

It caused him to wake up, he was really tired and just wanted some sleep.

"Ughhh, what is it?" Seth groaned, he checked the ventilation and he saw a knife.

"I bet this is just some sort of prank" Seth groaned again before going back to his bed.

He ended up sleeping for the rest of the day, but he didn't really care because it was 5:00 and he was really tired.

The next day 


[Seth's pov]

"Huh? Why did I wake up so late?" he questioned to himself. 

He checked the time and he found it was already the next day

"Whatever, it was already late and I was super tired" Seth said to himself.

He didn't know what to do so he just watched some Naruto with shama.

Shama really enjoyed the anime, they started to become a really big fan of it.

"Glad you like it!" Seth responded to shama's reaction

He didn't know what to have for breakfast so he just made some cauliflower rice.

"That tasted good.." Seth said to himself

"Wassup Seth?" Mark the protogen said in a calm voice to Seth as he roller skated towards him with his skateboard. 

"Hey there pal! Where were you? You were gone for a week!" Seth ansked after mark showed up.

"Oh, I was at the medical room because I broke my arm while roller skating"

"Oof! That sounds painful! Did you recover?" Seth responded

"Yes, I did" mark responded back.

"Oh, glad to hear that!" Seth replied

"Anyways wanna go skateboarding?" Mark asked Seth

"Sure!" Seth answered

They skateboard for a while, they did some races and played some games and it was all just fun and games.

"Hey Seth, I need to go to the toilet. Can you wait for me?" Mark asked seth

"Sure!" Seth answered 

Mark then went to the toilet, Seth decided to skateboard on some ramps.

He decided to skateboard on the highest ramp in the skateboard park, when he was about to skateboard a weird figure hit him with a bat and made him fall off the ramp. 

"WHO ARE YOU?" Seth said before being hit with the bat.

He then fell to the ground and passed out.

Mark then returned from the toilet and then he saw Seth passed out on the ground with a weird figure walking away from the scene

Mark then ran to Seth's unconscious body trying to wake him up.

"SETH ARE YOU OKAY? HEY COME BACK!" Mark shouted as the figure walked away from the scene while he was shaking Seth's body trying to wake him up.

Mark then picked up Seth's body and skateboarded as fast as he could back to the base.

Dav noticed mark skateboarding into the base with Seth's unconscious body.

"MARK WHAT HAPPENED?" Dav shouted as he ran towards mark

"Me and Seth were skateboarding and I had to go to the toilet, while I was gone I assume that Seth was knocked off the tallest ramp at the skateboard park. While I ran to his unconscious body I saw a weird figure walking away with a bloody bat in his hands. Seth was bleeding from his head and I think he broke some bones too" mark explained to dav.

Dav told some staff to bring Seth to the medical room while he and mark went to a room to identify the criminal

"So can you describe some features of the figure that you saw earlier?" Dav asked mark

"Well, he had 2 blue tails, a lab coat with some syringes and a mask and a spiked bat with blood on it, I think it's a ghostfox" mark described 

"That sounds familiar.. we will try to identify them" dav responded

Later on, mark decided to check up on Seth so he went to the medic room.

"Seth! Are you okay?" Mark asked in a worried tone

"Yes, he's fine. He only broke his left leg and right arm and one of his eyes were damaged"Blaz answered

"May I see him?" Mark asked 
"Sure!" Blaz answered, then Blaz brought mark to Seth's hospital bed, mark had a cast on his left leg and right arm along with some bandages on his eye 

"SETH!" Mark shouted as he ran towards Seth's hospital bed

"Mark!" Seth shouted as he saw mark

"Seth are you okay?!" Mark asked Seth

"Yeah, it hurt a bit but I'm okay now" Seth answered 

"Anyways wanna watch some anime?" Mark asked seth

"Sure!" Seth answered

They then watched anime for the rest of the day, shama also joined in 

Coming soon...

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