Chapter 7

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"Then let's talk, tell me what's so important about him", I visibly cringe at the thought of my mate.

"I haven't been completely truthful with you. I personally know the Alpha, quite well actually", he calmly informs me.

I stare at him in shock, "W-What?".

He runs a nervous hand through his hair before continuing, "Valen is my childhood best friend. We had a falling out but we talked it out and are as good as new. He asked me to be his new Beta and I accepted. There's just one problem".

I try to speak with my currently scrambled mind, "What's that?".

"I want you to be the Luna", he states.

My jaw practically hits the floor as I gape at him, "What? Why? I-I can't".

"Come on Blaire, we both know Jessica isn't fit to be Luna. She isn't fit to be a good mate let alone run a whole pack. You can do it, you just have to let me convince Valen to choose you", he looks at me with pleading eyes.

I can't and won't, use Andrew to climb up the pack ranks.

"I can't let you do that. Even if he would choose me, I'd be just as bad as Jessica since I'd be using someone high ranking to get to where I'd be", I state in disgust.

"Blaire, you're his mate, that's how it works. You're supposed to be by his side at all times. It was chosen for you by the moon goddess herself!", he says dramatically.

"I may have been chosen by the moon goddess for him, but so was Jessica. She was first to be chosen for him and she's still there for him. He only wants her and I'm not going to get in the way of that", I try to say as emotionlessly as possible but know I failed.

Andrew looks at me sadly before looking away.

"Besides, if he saw my wolf form I'm sure he wouldn't just pick me out of love", I scoff at the thought.

"Wait, wolf form? Since when do you have a wolf form?", he asks shockingly.

Shit, did I say that out loud?

"Uh well I guess the cat's out of the bag so to speak. I got my wolf form a few weeks ago when I came back home from the woods. When I woke up from my blackout, I shifted and my wolf gave me the strength to make it home", I explain quietly.

He remains shocked for a few moments before becoming extremely excited.

"That's awesome Blaire! You have to tell Valen, he'd be thrilled!", he exclaims happily.

I quickly state, "No! He can't find out and neither can anyone else".

His eyebrows forrow in confusion, "What? Why not?".

"My wolf is different, special. I don't want to be chosen just because of my wolf or even worse, used because of her", I look at him sadly.

"Blaire I don't know what you mean by that but I'm sure you wouldn't be used for having a wolf", he returns the look of sadness.

"Don't bet on it pretty boy", Lilith tells him through the mind link.

His face becomes pale almost instantly.

"T-That's not possible", he stutters while in shock.

I nod my head, "I know it's not supposed to be, but it is. She can mind link anyone at any time and I can have control over her wolf form if she allows it".

He regains a little color to his face but remains shocked, "Yeah you can't tell anyone that although, how would they know just by seeing your wolf form?".

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