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"Do you really have to go? You can't just stay and eat dinner with us?" Danielle pouts as she pulls on the sleeve of my shirt. "I'm sorry, my father seems very...mad...he wants to talk to me and Danielle I have to go!" I say and she finally agrees. I was about to walk out the door before Danielle grabbed my wrist, spinning me around and placing a lingering, wet kiss on my lips. "Come back after?" She tilts her head and smiles at me. "Of course!" I smile back and run to my car.


I cautiously enter my home, glancing left and right to see if my father is anywhere around. "HANNI! Is that you!?" I hear a deep voice yell, my father. "Y-yes!" I say and look down at the floor as he comes into view. "So...what happened at school today?! Why weren't you at school?!" He asks in a calmly tone. "My friend she was sad and I went to her house to comfort her..." I say but the thoughts of how I comforted her invaded my mind, making a light pink blush form on my chubby cheeks.

"Are you blushing?!" His voice gets deeper and I didn't even know it was possible for such a deep voice. "W-what? No!" I say and finally look up at him. I see his cold, brown eyes staring at me. "Why did you break up with Jake?" He raises an eyebrow and I frown. "He was cheating on me..." I say. "Just like how you are cheating on him with a GIRL!?" He raises his voice making me flinch a little. "N-no it's not like that! I was really just comforti-" A hard slap was landed across my right cheek.

My head snaps to the side as I slowly bring my hand up and caress my right cheek. "I will not tolerate a gay daughter, you know that hanni!" He slaps me again and he continues to slap me until I have a bruise on my cheek. He stares at me and scoffs, "Hide that with makeup, just like how all you women hide everything with makeup!" He rolls his eyes and stomps away.

I burst into tears, holding my bruised cheek very softly since it hurt from the hits. My mother finally comes out from the kitchen, cautiously. "Hanni..." She says softly and pulls me into a hug. She knows about the abuse, hell, she gets abused too-

"Hanni..." My mother calls out softly. "You don't hate me right? Just because I like a girl?!" I let out sobs against her chest as she caresses my hair. "Your my daughter hanni, I could never hate you for that. You love who you love, we can't control who we fall for." My mother gives me one of her warm, motherly smiles that immediately calms me down.

Footsteps are heard coming down the stairs, my father holds his brief case in his left hand and is on the phone with his other hand. "I'll be there in 15 minutes!" He says and hangs up. He glances at me then my mother, "She's gay. Why are you hugging her?" He says in a cold tone. "I don't care if she's gay, she's still our daughter!" My mother shouts at him and he storms towards her, giving her a harsh slap.

"Don't make me beat you till your dead, fully dead this time!" He says through gritted teeth and leaves the house.

"Hanni. You need to leave!" My mother cries. "What? Where?" I ask. "Anywhere but here. I want my daughter to be safe!" My mother says as she pushes me continuously upstairs towards my room. "Start packing." My mother says. "BUT-", "NOW!" She raises her voice as tears flow down her cheeks. "What about you? I can't leave you alone here mom!" I say and she shakes her head. "Your safety is my top priority hanni, as a mother I want my child to be safe first." She smiles at me and I can't help but to let tears fall down my cheeks as well.

"Pack most of your belongings, I'll help you get them delivered to where ever you will be staying at." My mom says before exiting the room. Where should I stay?

Without thinking I call the first person who pops into my head...Danielle Marsh.

"Hanni?" She asks on the other line. "Danielle...is it okay if I stay at your house?" I ask. "Sure you're always welcome here hanni." She says through the phone. "I mean...STAY at your house Danielle." I say. "I'm not understanding." I can practically see the frown on her face. "I mean live with you Danielle!" I sigh out and she gasps. "You want to live with me already?!" She teases and I roll my eyes. "Can I Danielle...please?!" I beg her, I'm on limited time right now. "Of course hanni, you'll stay in my room." She says and I hum in response before thanking her and hanging up.

"Mom!?" I call out and see her come from the kitchen. "You ready?" She asks me and I nod. "let's put your luggage in the car and I'll drive you to...where are you going?" She asks. "Danielle Marsh house." I smile. "Is she the girl you like?" My mom asks me. "Not like, love mom!" I smile shyly. "That's good hanni. I'll miss you." My mom says glancing at me quickly before looking back at the road. "I'll save you mom...I promise." I say and she shows a smile at me. "Better promise!" She ruffles up my hair.


"I love you Hanni...always! My beautiful daughter." My mother kisses my forehead and heads back to her car to drive off.

I knock on the door, setting down my luggage first. The door opens revealing Danielle's mother. "Oh... Danielle it's Hanni! The one who you were screaming her name earlier!" Her mother shouts and Danielle runs to the door with blush all over her face. "Hanni what is with all the luggage?" Her mother asks me. "I'm... staying with y'all." I smile. "For how long?" Her mother asks. "Forever?" I chuckle nervously and so does Danielle.

"Oh...as long as you keep the noise down, and door closed, also please please PLEASE don't do it every night! I know girls can't get pregnant but still!" Her mother says before walking to her bedroom I assume.

"Shes so embarrassing!" Danielle face palms. "Thank you Danielle! I really appreciate it!" I smile at her and she finally looks at me, shock, confusion, and anger written all over her face. "Who did that to you?!" She says stepping closer to see how bad it really is, it's bad. "My father...he abuses me and my mother, that's why she sent me off because he will do worse next time he sees me..." I look down.

"Why would he do that to his own daughter?" Danielle frowns. "Because he found out I liked girls...or a girl." I blush knowing it was Danielle. "He's homophobic too, ew." Danielle makes a gross face and takes some of my luggage. "Cmon!" She smiles at me.

"Thank you Danielle! I really appreciate it." I smile appreciative at her. "I love you too hanni!" She looks back and winks at me.

"I love you way more Danielle." I say. Way more than you'll ever know...

What about mother?

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