Chapter 3.

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I open my eyes slowly and my head feels like it's being ripped in two. I look at my phone and it says the time is one in the afternoon. I groan and rub my head as I sit up. I get out of bed and head to my closet to grab my clothes for the day. I decide to wear black jeans and a black t-shirt. I put them on and walk to my bathroom to brush my hair and teeth. I look in the mirror and I look like absolute shit. "You always look like shit." I ignore the voices and do what I came in here to do. I step in something wet and I look down to see the blood I didn't clean up last night. I grab a towel and clean the floor and my foot. Once I'm done doing that I walk to the kitchen to make tea. I turn the kettle on and sit at my desk to wait. I lay my head down and feel myself drifting off to sleep when the kettle starts to squeal. I groan angrily and get up to take it off the stove. I yank the kettle off a little too roughly because it slips from my hand and the water spills on my legs before it topples to the ground. I feel the water burning my flesh and I quickly take off my pants. The water soaked through the gauze on my thighs, so take that off too. I feel warm liquid running down my legs and I look down to see that my thighs are bleeding. The hot water must have re-opened up my cuts. I groan in frustration and walk stiffly to the bathroom. Why does this shit always fucking happen to me? I get a wash cloth and turn the sink on. I run the cloth under the cold water and I use it to clean the blood off of my thighs. It stings like hell but oh well. I quickly wrap my thighs in gauze again and walk to my room for another pair of pants. I put them on and grab my phone, it is now one thirty. I need to leave or I'm going to be late for work. I sigh and grab my keys. I walk out of my apartment and to my car, start it and begin driving towards work.

I get out of my car and walk into the bookstore. I'm greeted by my boss, a little old lady with white hair. She smiles and waves at me. "How're you doing, dear?" I smile at her. "I'm doing just fine, Mrs. Fredericks." I walk behind the counter and clock in for work. There aren't many people in the small shop, a few of them are just sitting at tables drinking coffee from the coffee shop attached to the bookstore. "Would you like some coffee, dear?," Mrs. Fredericks asks me sweetly. I nod my head and she walks over to the coffee shop to get coffee for the both of us. When she returns she hands me my cup and I thank her. She walks off to her office, leaving me to deal with customers.

"Excuse me, sir?" A voice says to me from in front of the counter. I place the book I'm reading on the counter and look at her questioningly. It's a woman in her mid-thirties I assume. "Do you know where the John Green books are located?" I nod my head and smile at her. "Yes I do, love. Follow me." I get up from my seat and walk towards the young adult section in the back. I point them out to her and she smiles happily. "Thank you, sir! I've looked everywhere for these."
"No problem! I'm happy to help. Do you need anything else?"
"No, I'm good now, thank you."
"Okay, if you need anything else you know where to find me." She nods and I walk back to the counter and take my seat. I pick up my book and begin reading again. I hear the bell on the door jingle, signaling a new customer. I don't look up from my book because it's much too interesting. Ellen Hopkins is my life, her writing is so amazing. I hear someone clear there throat in front of me and I close my book to see who it is. It's a boy with blue eyes. He smiles at me and hands me his items so I can ring them up. "Hi," he says happily. I smile and reply enthusiastically "Hi, you have great taste in books. I love Ellen Hopkins." He nods, "Me too! She's a wonderful writer. My favorite is crank. Which is your favorite?"
"I really like Impulse. I'm sure I've read it twenty times in the last few years."
"I like that one too!" I finish ringing up his things and I hand them to him. "Your total is $23.86." He hands me the money and his sleeve rides up a little. His wrist is covered in fresh cuts and I gasp quietly. I didn't expect that. Why would this beautiful boy hurt himself? Maybe it was just a cat. My smile falters and he notices my stare and quickly pulls down his sleeve. He frowns and looks down at the counter avoiding my eyes. I finally remember what I was doing and put the money he handed me in the register while getting his change. I hand it to him "Here you go." He nods and replies his voice barely above a whisper "Thank you." He turns and begins walking towards the exit. He leaves the store and I frown. He's like me in a way. "He is like you. He's a worthless faggot too." I groan and look at the clock. I have ten minutes until I can leave.
Mrs. Fredericks walks out of her office and comes to stand beside me. "You can go home now, dear. This place is pretty much empty. I can handle it."
"Are you sure?" She smiles and pats my shoulder. "I've got it, now go on home."
"Okay, thank you. I'll see you Tomorrow. Have a good night, Mrs. Fredericks." She waves goodbye and I walk out of the shop and to my car. I decide to go home and get some well deserved sleep.

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