Chapter 10

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Those 3 days went by fast and where now at the airport. But jaden was walking the other way "jaden where are you going" he just kept walking. Strange

We checked in our luggage and waited for the boarding gate to open. Once the gate was open there was no sight of jaden. Once we sat in our seat he still was no where to be seen. I'm on a row with Stephanie "where's jaden" I say "oh didn't he tell you" she says, she quickly covers her hand with her mouth "tell me what" I say "oh um he isn't coming" she says "what why" I say starting to get worried "I don't know you will have to ask your parents or Artillo" she says.

I couldn't stop thinking about where jaden is. Where is he. Why isn't he here. The plane ride was pretty boring. Once we got home I went to my room and unpacked. It was weird no one was talking about jaden it was like he disappeared. And my messages weren't sending to him.

—time skip 3 weeks later—

I am actually allowed to go to parties and do a bong. But I have to be sensible and to make sure I'm sensible they send Stephanie with me. She acts like she is sensible but when she is with a rule breaker like me she is definitely not.

But she knows that I have to be sensible. We had just got back from a party, we were drunk but not to drunk. are Stephanie is stumbling up the driveway. I am drunk but not the level of drunk that Stephanie is. We open the door and we hear talking in the living room

"Oh my baby boyfriend" Stephanie says as she sees Artillo. As I'm walking more towards the living room I spot jaden "long time no see" I say sitting down next to him and giving him a hug. I can almost feel the holes Artillo is burning in the back of my head. " calm down it's just a hug" i say breaking the hug.

He rolls his eyes "where have you been then" I say "Italy" he says dryly "why" I say but he ignores me "right come one Stephanie let's get you to bed" I say "no I want Artillo" she says "let nova put you to bed" Artillo says "no" Stephanie says.

I can almost feel the argument starting. "Why the fuck did you let her get pissed" he says raising his voice at me "oh so it's my fault, she was suppose to be looking after me" I say "well that's the last time your both going out" Artillo says "last I checked my dad was upstairs so stop trying to be him" I say "whatever take her to bed" he says pointing to Stephanie who is clinging to his arm "no I said you put me to bed" she says "why do you never listen" she says. Oh shit "do you know what I'm fucking done with you, ever since you have been hanging out with nova you've been a brat" he says "hold the fuck up, what do I have to do with this" I say "no I'm just done with you bossing me around, you control everything I do. I can't even go to a fucking party without you being in a mood with me" she says

Jaden get up out of his seat "we will leave you to it" he says walking towards me. He grabs my arm and pulls me out of the living room and shuts the door. We walk up to my bedroom in silence. Once we get in he shuts the door and I start taking off my dress so I can put pyjamas on. He sits on my bed and when I'm done changing I walk towards my bed "get off I want to get in" I say "just get in then" he says "just get off so that I can get under the covers" he wasn't moving "you can get in with me" I added on. Then he moved

We got in the bed and laid down I was facing him. He put his arms around me and pulled me close so that my head was resting in the crook of his neck. "I missed you angel" he said "why were you in Italy" i say "I live there now" he said. I sat up "no, why" I say angry "I'm not allowed to tell you or Artillo" he says "jaden you have literally been inside of me you can tell me anything" I say "I'm the new leader of your parents mafia" he says "that means you are going to have to get married soon" i say. I know how mafias work, if you aren't married you are seen as weak and no one wants their mafia to be weak "that why I'm here angel" he says "come be my mafia princess" he says.

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