Chapter 5

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It was a long boring drive in the taxi,I'm sat in the front next to the taxi driver leaving the other 3 in the back. Once we got to the airport we all checked in our bags and got onto the plane. It was a 2 hour long flight. I was luckily sat next to Stephanie on a row and the other seat was a spare seat. "So what was the gossip you were going to to tell me earlier" she says.

I filled her in on what happened in the movie room and how you went over to his house. "Girl you did not push his hand away" she says looking at me strangely "I was not about to let him finger fuck me on the sofa under the blanket right next to you and Artillo" I say munching on some Pringles.

Once the plane landed we all got our suitcases and drove to the Vila. Once we arrived I was expecting to see a massive Vila, but it wasn't it was quite small but modern. We walked inside "me and your farther are having the master bedroom, either Artillo and Stephanie can share and then jaden and nova or Artillo and jaden and Stephanie and nova" my mum says
"I'm sharing with Stephanie but nova and jaden are not sharing a room" Artillo says looking at my mother "you don't get to make that decision Artillo" my mum says

I am stunned, I can't even remember the last time Artillo got out in his place. That's why he has a face like thunder

I walk into my room and it's quite nice with two single beds. A sense of relief goes over me.  It was quite a beach vibe in the room with a sprinkle with modern with big windows it had a two massive double glass doors leading out to the pool. We got one of the bedrooms at the back of the house by the pool the others don't have the double doors. It has a little privacy fence around it to make a little Belcany since we aren't on a second floor. It has a little gate so we have acces to the pool. That's where I will be doing my bongs.

We were travelling through the night and decided to go out by the pool. I put on my gorgeous red bikini and went out to the pool
I sat on one of the sun beds put sun cream in and was sunbathing.

Jaden Stephanie and Artillo came out and was sunbathing too. That was until they got in the pool "come join us nova" Stephanie says "is it heated" I say in reply "no but it's not cold" Stephanie says "then no" I say . I can see them whispering but I ignore it and shit my eyes again

That was until I get picked up "jaden put me down right now I swear to god, don't get my hair wet the chlorine will turn it green" those were my last words before he jumped in the pool with me in his arms "jaden!" I say he is just standing there laughing as are jaden and Stephanie "it's not funny" I say "anyway he is not allowed near me so why is he allowed to pick me up" I say turning to Artillo "he was doing me a favour and chucking you in the pool "sleep with one eye open jaden" I say getting out the pool and going back on the sun bed until your phone buzzes


God I can't resist you in that bikini

Then why did you come on this holiday

To see you in that bikini,
just wait until everyone has gone
to bed, that bikini will be on the
bedroom floor

Stop dreaming

—time skip—

The day was really fun we were all hanging out and laughing by the pool. After everyone went to get showered. Right now jaden beat me to the shower "hurry your ass up" I say banging on the door I hear the shower turn off and out comes jaden with a towel arround his hips showing his perfectly carved out abs and his amazing muscles "you gonna stare or are you gonna get in the shower" he says with a fat smirk on his face "shut up" I say shutting the bathroom door and getting into the shower

Once I'm done in the shower I dry and tea green my hair and then go into the room with my towel on to get some clothes "what are the odds you drop that towel for me angel" jaden says walking closer to you "hmm you would like that wouldn't you"I say "like, I would love it" he says "it's your birthday in two days, maybe thank van be your birthday present" I say his hand reaches to pull the towel "I want to see you now angel" he says "trust me it will be worth it when I give you an orgasm" he adds on. By now I just wanna melt. I haven't fucked anyone in months and I'm dying to fuck him.

He gently puts his hand on your thigh and moves it up until his hand is on your pussy.
He is rubbing you all the right ways your soaked at this point "jaden" you moan out quietly "you enjoying it angel" he says pulling you in closer "yeah" you moan out

Suddenly he stops "we will save the rest when everyone is actually in bed" he says walking out the room and shutting the door "for fuck sake" I say

I make sure to wear something extra revealing for the meal we are going to, to make sure he is on edge "we are leaving now " Stephanie says walking in the door "fucking hell you look irresistible" she says "as do you" I says looking her up and down "yummy" I says walking toward her we both laugh and go to where everyone else is to go to the meal

—Jadens pov—

I'm waiting novas parents and Artillo for Stephanie and nova to finish getting ready. Once they come out i feel the blood rush to the tip of my cock. Fuck. She is dressed like that on purpose. This is going to be a fun night.

We get to the meal and all sit down. I purposely made sure I was sitting next to nova. Once we are sat down and have ordered our meals I put my hand on her thigh. This time she doesn't move it. When she moved it yesterday it made me so mad. I get broken away from my thoughts wen I feel her hand rubbing my hardened cock through my shorts. I look up at her and whisper in her ear "you better stop or I am going to take you in that bathroom and fuck the ability to walk out of you" I say but that only gives her a smirk on her face " what if that's what I want" she says

God help me. I am fighting the urge not to fuck her in the bathroom right now. "I don't like you dressed like that infront of other people what have I told you" I say whispering her ear "you don't own me jaden" she says in return

That comment alone has my blood boiling "I don't own you, your right. But you are mine and mine only. Mine to look at, and mine to touch. Mine only" I growl "who says that I'm yours" she says. She is really testing my patience right now

I remove my hand from her thigh but she grabs it and puts it back "your not mine I don't touch what isn't mine" I say but she ignores me and hold my hand in place

Once the torturous meal was over everyone goes to their room to sleep since it was quite late. Leaving me and move in the room. She has pissed me off by saying that she isn't mine so I have no intention in sleeping with her tonight and I think she has caught on to that

I'm sitting on my bed on my phone when I see nova get up out the corner of my eye. She walks over to me and gets onto my lap straddling me. She pulls my phone out of my hand and puts it on the bedside table "maybe I'm not yours but that doesn't mean I can't be" she says crashing her lips onto mine

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