Chapter 5: Nico's POV

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After we met the uniquely weirdly interesting sheep, we went our own ways. Henwy, Sigils and I went to gather some coal to fuel our furnaces at home and Biffle, Gold and Karan heading towards the main trading district that was created a fortnight ago.

I noticed the orange light shining on to the ground in front of me as the random ray of sunlight caught my eye as it slowly sink into the horizon and darkness began to crawl out of the shadows.

We were walking towards the entrance of the artificial mineshaft as we started to take out our torches. When we were greeted by the luminous light of the placed light sources in the shaft.

All of a sudden, Sigils tripped on an imaginary rock and fell flat on his face. He gradually push himself up and he placed his hand on his wobbly knees for support [Weak Knees]. After a few ouches and grunts that he was fine, he managed to get back up, looking unscathed.

"Wow you still have those week knees Sigils" Henwy snicked

"Yeah well at least week knees is better than a foot obsession!" Sigils jokingly retaliated

"Well I have hair unlike you Mr Clean"

"I rather be bald than a immature child stuck in an adult's body"

"..... I got nothing else...." Henwy defeatedly sighed.

Sigils grinned and giggled along side with Henwy.

It was great to see both of them together again on good terms.

Eventually we found some coal near to some lapis which we happily gathered. Sooner or later, we decided to head back after getting a sufficient 197 coal when we heard some zombie noises and skeletons heading towards us.

Henwy and Sigils whipped out their diamond sword in one hand and flipped out their iron axe in the other. However, since I was prepared to go mining only, I only had my iron pickaxe as a weapon. I reluctantly took it out, ready for battle.

Eventually, when the sounds of the enemies drew closer and the nearby lanterns illuminated the dark bodies of the opponents.

However, weirdly and strangely enough, the zombies and skeletons seemed very off.

The zombies looked all black and white like they have just lost their colour and their whole body is surrounded by a thick white outline.

The skeletons looked normal [probably cause it's already black and white] with the same thick white outline around it.

We charged at them, while dodging arrows and started combating them. Slowly the number of opponents dwindled and orange flakes spurted out from their dead bodies.

Eventually we killed the last one and celebrated our short-lived victory until and dying skeleton shot one last arrow right into Sigils' foot.

He cried out in pain and started to squeeze his wounded leg. Henwy clenched his fists and gritted his teeth together. His body was shaking and his eyes, squinted. He then powerfully punched the skeleton's head and the head flew off into the darkness of the cave.

Henwy and I counted down in unison and lifted Sigils up with Henwy holding his head and I gently carried his legs while trying not to hurt his wound any farther.

He groaned in anguish as we step by step walked up the stairs to the village. As we were coming out of the opening, I caught the eye of Loafx who was just leaning on a tree and doing basically nothing else.

He rushed towards us and supported the injured's trunk and began to shout for assistance.

Florian poked his head out of his house, investigating the source of the cry. After seeing an injured Sigils getting supported by three people, he rushed to open the medical hut and quickly began to prepare the arrival of the wounded patient.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2023 ⏰

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