Chapter 1: Biffle POV

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"EVERYONE!!!! GET TO THE TIME MACHINE!!!!" I heard Gold and Karan yelling over the chaos of everyone shooting arrows and some dare enough to melee attack the dragon that Henwy created and is controlling to kill everyone.

At those words, almost everyone rushed to where they were to escape the dragon. Henwy was confused but decided to let the dragon roam free and ran over to where they were.

Everyone started asking questions and followed Karan and Gold to a secret room and yell and everyone to follow them down to another secret room where I saw the huge time machine.

I turn my head to see Gold and Karan punching buttons to start the machine.

"Get in, GET IN" Gold voice broke through the loud chatter and everyone entered the time machine.

I turn to see whether they got everyone inside and heaved a sigh of relief when I counted everyone inside..... including Henwy...

Suddenly, the machine started to move and everything around us went white. I faintly saw a grassy field below us but before I told everyone, I notice the time machine started to break and I was suck towards a hole that started to appear.

My body was almost outside the machine with my hands losing grip on a part of the machine.

So is this how I die? Getting sucked out of a time machine?

"No Biffle I got you!" Sigils bellowed as he grabbed my wrist and started to pull me back. Then, the machine started to hum very loudly and a loud crash was heard. My vision became white.

I slowly opened my eyes, feeling a lot of pain and I looked to see everyone unconscious. I wanted to get up and walk but intense pain shot up my leg.

I was sporting a broken leg and a deep cut on my arm with bruisers and cuts everywhere else.I heard a groan of pain and realise that someone else is waking.

Something is fishy here..... - A Camp Minecraft AUWhere stories live. Discover now