Chapter 2: Henwy POV

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I slowly awoke from my unconsciousness with pain spouting everywhere on my body. I suddenly remember the destruction and chaos I caused and then the time machine fall and crashed.

"Ugh..... Ow ow......" I groaned in pain as I tried to pull myself up. I glanced around to see Biffle staring at me and offers a hand to me. I accept and managed to pulled myself up to my feet.

"Thanks...." I muttered to Biffle and noticing that he was sporting a broken leg and his hand was injured. I felt the back of my head hurts and put my hand behind my head to find a wound there. I was also had a broken knee.

Both Biffle and I watched the other members stir from their unconsciousness and tried to help them get up.

Sigils stared daggers at me dusted himself off and turn his back on me. I saw that he could not move an arm and had a bad scratch on his neck. I could tell that he was furious with me but before I could apologise, I heard a distant voice "Hey are you guys ok? That look like a serious crash"

Everyone turned and saw two people running to them "Zud??? And Kate????" I said confused.

"Yeah!!" The person replied. Zud quickly understood the situation and explained that their town is not that far from their crash site.

Kate lead the way while Zud and Gold supported me and Karan and Nico supported Biffle. It seems that only Biffle, Sigils and I were the ones who suffered the most and only Biffle and I could not walk properly.

"Wait what are these people doing here? I only sent you and Kate to get some mushrooms not some people" A person ran towards us as soon as we got closer to the town.

Zud ran towards him after he settled me at a nearby chair and explained to the person the circumstances while two other people came by.

"Oh new people! Hi I'm Lookumz and this is Loafx" A person said excitedly while introducing his friend. Everyone weakly waved at them while Zud came back saying

"Ok guys that was Frost and he said Henwy, Sigils and Biffle, those who have serious injuries can use that medical hut", gesturing to a little hut "And the ones who have minor injuries can head on into that house where Rafessor and Florian will treat those injuries" pointing to another house not far from the medical hut.

Jerome, Karan, Gold, Nico, started to go into the house's direction while Zud, Kate, Loafx and Lookumz Biffle limped into the hut and I dragged my leg in the hut while Sigils brought up the rear.

Frost was waiting inside and said "Ok those who have seriously injured legs, lie on those beds and , without, sit on the chair", indicating to a couple of beds and multiple chairs. Once everyone was settled, Frost peered into a nearby chest to find its inventory empty.

"Shoot! We're out of healing potions. Ok so I will be right back, I'll get some more potions."Frost said as he turned towards the door and left. The trio then just stared at each other, motionless and speechless until Sigils said "You just had to ruin it don't you Henwy?"

"What do you mean" I snapped back

"What else would I mean? You literally unleashed a dragon and it destroyed everything and you're acting as if nothing had happened!" Sigils angrily replied back

"Hey I am not the one who banished a member into a desert!" I shot back

"You imbecile, you've doomed us all." Sigils ignored my statement

"Woah guys please don't fight. Look at the bright side, everyone is still alive and we met new people!" Biffle said trying to cease the argument

"Yeah, it is a miracle that Henwy here is still alive and that my arm is immoveable or else I will kill him myself" Sigils fumed

"Yeah? Why don't you try? Even if your arm is fine, you still will not be able to even touch me" I taunted

"Why you....." Sigils stood up from his seat and started to make his way to me

"I'm back with some more potions..." Frost bursted in and noticed the situation. "Hey don't fight. What happens in the past remains in the past. And you guys might destroy something in the medical hut" He said as he ran in between Sigils and I.

Sigils returned back to his seat as Frost took out most of the healing potions into a chest

After defusing the fight, Frost took out a couple of materials and gave them to us saying that it was for us to start on our bases and took out 3 potions and used one to heal up Sigils' injuries and then walked over to Biffle to heal his injuries.

Sigils stood up and headed over to the door before turning to face me saying "You know Henwy, destroying everything is not how to get me to apologise to you"

I lifted my head up and look at Sigils, sighing "I did not even wanted to destroy the camp to get your apologies.... "

"Hmm. And why is that, do you think?" Sigils asked

However my mind when completely blank at that question and just shrugged

"Well, a mystery we will take to our graves then, goodbye" Sigils said as he turned to leave.

I sighed and thank Frost as soon as he finished healing me and walked out of the door.

Something is fishy here..... - A Camp Minecraft AUTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon