Part 4

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Jayla's P.O.V

( Present time )

Right now I'm in my office and it is 1:00 p.m, the boys are on their way here or are here already, but I'm very nervous and I hope I do not mess up in front of them because of my inner Astros and Pena Girl. I hear many people come in the hallway screaming but I don't know why, I assume the boys got here already and I started sweating and pacing around my office.

Jeremey's P.O.V

( Present time )

My buddies and I got here screaming because Alex and Jose would not shut up, so Kyle and I had to try to shut them up. I think the Sports Doctor is here so hopefully she did not hear us because if she did she will probably think were a pain in the ass like the other Doctor thought of us even though we never bothered him. I was in the locker room changing in front of my locker when Dusty came in and told us to hurry up so we did.

Dusty's P.O.V

( Present time )

I started to get everything ready for practice because before practice I am gonna introduce the boys to Jayla our new Sports Doctor. I got done with what I was doing so I headed to the Boy's Locker Room to tell them to hurry up because they are always taking a long time in there probably taking chisme but if I was them I would too. I told Jayla to go out to the field at 1:30 p.m. because it was 1:20 p.m. already. I went outside and the boys were waiting in the dugout for me to sit down.


Dusty - Hello guys today we got a new Sports doctor for y'all so I'm gonna introduce her to you guys when she gets out here.


( Fellings - They are confused because it is a Girl and Jeremy is Nervous with his Core Four.)

Dusty - Oh, here she comes now.

Jayla - Hi sorry if I got here a little late.

Dusty - No it is okay I know that these hallways are long so it is fine.

Jayla - Thank you.

Dusty - Anyways guys this is Jayla Monroe and she is our new Sports Doctor.

Boys - Hello, Hola ( all over the place)

Jayla - Hi, Hola

Dusty - Do you guys have any questions?

Jeremy - How old is she?

Jayla - I'm 23 years old.

Jose Altuve - Cuantos Anos se va a quedar?

Jayla - Me voy a quedar por 2 temporadas alamajor mas.

Kyle Tucker - Are you still going to school?

Jayla - No, I am already done with school.

Dusty - okay one last question.

Lance - Do you have any children ?

Jayla - No I do not.

Dusty - okay that was the last question. Boys go to practice, and Jayla you can stay here in the Dugout in case something happens.

Jayla - okay sir.

Boys - Yes Sir, Si Senor


Jayla's P.O.V

( In Dugout)

OMG! I was so nervous but when I meet them it all went away and I'm so glad my inner girl did not come out because I would have been embarrassed.

A/n - We see you girl....., anywho so Jayla will meet them all individually but one of them is going to meet her in a dangerous way.... who do you think it will be?

Dream - Jeremy PenaWhere stories live. Discover now