4. Waking up

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(Ok, onto the story hehe)

Sonic laid in the infirmary bed with bandages around his head supporting the wound that Amy had landed on him with her hammer. Shadow stayed by his side the whole night because he was worried, and he wondered when the Hedgehog was going to awake.

But for now... all Shadow could do was wait...

Espio's POV

When I had found out that beach day had been canceled due to Sonics injury I decided to go talk to someone about Silver and I's little arrangement..

I had found myself walking to Rouge's apartment, I knocked on the door and then the door opened, and I was welcomed with a flirtatious bat on the other side.

"Welcome dear come in, I suppose you're here to talk about an issue?" I stood there in shock but didn't say anything and just walked in and sat down on the couch.

"So, what's been bothering you sweetie?" Rouge asked and I told her about Silver and I's make out session in the meeting room yesterday morning after the first meeting we had. Rouge just stared and then smiled. She walked over to me and decided to sit on my lap, I stayed quiet for a moment and then just started at the girl as she swayed her hips.

"What are you doing?"

"Testing something."

"And what would that be?"

"To see if you feel something for females~" Rouge whispered in my ear in a flirtatious low growl.

I felt something rise... Rouge looked down and smiled, "so you're bisexual? That's what I'm getting from this." I just stared but was also very uncomfortable with the state that I was in since my bulge still remained.

"Let me help you with that?" Rouge smiled through her teeth. I didn't want to but what could I do? I was stuck with an erection and I couldn't walk around with it.

So I agreed and let Rouge take control that very evening.

Silver's POV

It was starting to get late and I had just left Knuckles apartment because Knuckle needed help wrapping a gift he had gotten Rouge as a sign that he was going to confess his feelings for her. I always loved the idea of them together due to their very unique personalities and how they collided very well even if they got into little arguments.

I walked to my apartment so that I could get ready for bed since beach day was canceled due to an incident caused earlier today. I then found myself on the floor where my door was so I walked the way to my door until I heard a noise, I followed the sound only to be lead in front of Rouge's apartment door. I leaned my ear against the door to hear a little better, couldn't really hear anything except for some low moans.

Maybe she was watching a movie? Because Rouge is known for watching very crazy romantic films. Then the noise stopped, I stood with my ear still against the door just in case the noise started up again. Then the door opened, I stared in silence and the person stared back..


"No need to explain... you made it clear that you're not interested in me."

"NO SILVER, IT'S NOT WHAT YO-" I had cut Espio off and just walked away, I know I shouldn't have been upset because he wasn't even my boyfriend... he was just someone I had a keen interest in none the less.

Espio's POV

I watched as Silver walked away, I felt bad because I had a feeling that he somewhat liked me, but did I have the courage to talk to him about it? No.

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