Part 1

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I sat in my cell staring at the wall, it had been 50 days since I first came to this asylum, I was pretty happy, except the fact I was hungry, and lonely. Well I at least had Erik, he was a rogue patient, they never could quite keep him in a cell, or straight jacket, he always escaped and disappeared for days, and I knew his secret, the vents, thats how he got into the cells, and his perfectly from the staff. Erik never talked much, we just really just enjoyed each other's company and I'd ramble to him, and answer myself. I giggled remembering my latest conversation with myself, it was a fun conversation, but the voices in my head stopped talking right in the middle of it, but not to worry, they were still there, they were actually chatting right now.
I groaned as hunger clawed at my stomach, my stomach couldn't handle the slop they served here, I always puked afterwards, the only way I got proper food was when Erik smuggled me a raw steak, or when a guard or nurse finally gave a shit about me hidden away deep in this place far away from everyone and gave me something that was half acceptable to my standards. On the topic of Erik and raw steak he should be coming with one right now, and just at that moment my friend in stripes jumped down from a vent and tossed something unidentifiable at me, I ducked and it hit the wall, it was some kind of bird, not my favorite but I pounced on it anyways and devoured it in mere minutes. "Sorry Curt, this was all they had." I finished the bird then got up and hugged Erik. "I don't care! Thank you!" I chirped and he awkwardly untangled himself from my arms, I guess hugging a cannibal wasn't the most easy thing to do. But was human meat that bad? I mean if you think about it has all the things a human needs to sustain a healthy diet, I looked at Erik who settled himself down on the floor next to me. "I don't see why they keep you all alone here, in like the deepest cell in Bedlam." I shrugged and grabbed Erik's hand, the child side of me and lack of human contact drove me to want to weirdly play with Erik's fingers, I was happy when he didn't yank his hand away and I replied. "They don't realize that I dislike my meet with GMOs and caged, they are afraid I might try and take a bite." Erik raised an eyebrow. "Maybe you wouldn't do that if they decided to suck it up and feed you properly." I shrugged and hummed a bit before saying. "They think a diet of raw meat is unhealthy, they don't notice that that's all my stomach can handle now." I gently forced Erik's hand into a fist then uncurled his fingers, I knew that I could just kill Erik and eat him, but that'd mean I would no longer have a friend, I prefer hunger over no friends to be honest, plus all that crawling around in the vents probably means his flesh if filthy and yucky. I began to him again as Erik fell silent as I messed with Erik's fingers.
"Are you going to stop molesting my fingers anytime soon?" Erik asked after ten minutes, I simply giggled and made his hand to where only his middle finger stood up and I showed his hand to him and Erik sighed. "Fuck you~!" I sang happily and playfully. "Where'd did you learn such things, you act so innocent!?" I blinked and frowned for a second then my face lit up then fell back into a frown. "Oh, sorry for asking." "I learned it from my dad." I mumbled and buried my face in Erik's shoulder, trying to forget. Erik slightly shuffled away from me and I sat up, he wasn't really one for the touching and psychical contact, hell I can't blame him, he tells me horrible things that the guards do, and the nurses, I'm glad that I'm not in a group cell or in one of the major lone cells. I shuddered at the thought of what all those poor people somewhere in this place go through, not all of them are like me, not all of them were going to burn in hell. They didn't deserve the treatment they got, even though my child like mind couldn't process how wring some of it was, the look in Erik's eyes told me it was something horrible, and that it was much worse than any beating or starvation.

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