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As the airship approached Troy, a sense of anticipation filled the air, causing both the vessel and its occupants to tremble. Just moments ago, King Agamemnon had relayed the plan through the telecoms. Our fleet of 50 airships would support the naval and ground troops in attacking the towns and villages, while the remaining ships, including our own, would lead the charge on the main city.

Directly assaulting the city was out of the question due to the enormous shield protecting it. Instead, our objective was to lay siege, cutting off any means of escape until either a way to break the shield was discovered or the enemy surrendered out of desperation and hunger.

It was a sound plan, far superior to relying solely on Achilles and his spear.

Suddenly, the warning light flashed red, and the pilot's voice crackled through the speaker. "E.T.A. 1 minute. Prepare for jump."

Everyone rose to their feet and assumed their positions. Achilles and I stood at the front, his voice resonating with power, authority, and unwavering confidence.

"Many of you have fought in countless wars, while many, like myself, are new to this. But regardless of where we are in our journeys, we are all brothers! So lets fight united in bringing even greater glory and honor to our kingdom!" Achilles' words were met with resounding cheers from our comrades, even those communicating through the telecoms.

The excitement and adrenaline coursing through the air were palpable, infecting everyone, including myself. It was a mixture of exhilaration and fear. Not only were we facing the very real possibility of meeting our demise, but a small part of me reveled in the thrill of it all.

The back door of the airship creaked open, and the sound of the thrusters grew louder.

Achilles glanced at me, awaiting my approval, and I nodded. With a swift motion of his gauntlet, his golden armor materialized, its brilliance shining in the dim light.

Equipped with our own armors, we followed Achilles as he leaped out of the airship.

The wind whipped against my face with an aggressive force as I descended through the sky. My heart pounded even harder as the adrenaline surged through my veins.

The city sprawled out before me, its immense size visible even from this height. It dwarfed our entire kingdom, planting a seed of doubt within me about the success of this audacious attack.

As the ground rushed closer and closer, I deployed my parachute, jolting my body as the sudden force of air resistance and gravity collided.

The ground loomed ominously, and I feared that I might miss my landing and break every bone in my body. The feeling of dread intensified, causing my breathing to become erratic and my vision to blur.

Just as I believed this descent would end in disaster, Achilles' voice echoed through my comm.

"Patroklos! You're descending too quickly!" His voice brimmed with genuine concern.

"I-I don't know how to slow down! Achilles, what do I do?!"

"Stay calm and listen to me! Grip the handles tightly and push down. Just like we practiced!" His instructions rang in my ears, and I followed them as best I could, pressing down on the handles while silently praying to the Gods for protection.

Within seconds, my speed began to decrease, and I managed to land on the ground, rolling forward until I finally came to a stop. My armor had shielded me, though I was certain that I had accumulated a fair share of bruises.

Achilles landed gracefully beside me and immediately rushed to my side.

"Are you alright?!" he shouted, his concern evident as he checked my body for any signs of injury.

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