By Your Side

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It had been a long and transformative journey of two yearss since I first embarked on my training under the wise and revered Lord Chiron. The passage of time had not only honed my skills but also enriched my mind with a vast array of knowledge that was highly sought after by many. The privilege of receiving such teachings was not lost on me.

As I stood in the midst of a serene landscape, Lord Chiron's voice, filled with patience and wisdom, resonated softly in my ears. His guidance was a constant reminder of the immense responsibility that came with my training.

With focused determination, I carefully positioned my self-crafted bow, its intricate details a testament to the countless hours I had spent perfecting my craft. Ahead of me, a graceful deer grazed peacefully in a meadow, blissfully unaware of our presence.

Both Achilles and I had been fortunate enough to witness the masterful hunts of Lord Chiron. Under his expert guidance, we had learned the art of crafting our own bows and arrows, honing our skills in archery, and mastering the delicate art of tracking down our prey. But Lord Chiron's teachings went beyond the mere mechanics of hunting; he instilled in us a deep reverence for the creatures we would inevitably take the lives of, reminding us to honor their sacrifice so that we could sustain our own.

As we stood in the presence of the majestic Lord Chiron, his voice resonated with a blend of authority and compassion. His words carried the weight of countless years of wisdom. "Remember," he began, his voice laced with instruction, "breathe in and let your focus lock onto your target. When you are ready, exhale and release the arrow, allowing your skill and intention to merge in perfect harmony."

I drew in a deep breath, feeling my heart rate slow as I steadied my aim on the unsuspecting deer. With a practiced hand, I released the arrow, watching as it soared through the air and struck the animal with a resounding thud. For a moment, I thought I had missed my target, but then I heard the deer's mournful moan, and I realized that I had indeed hit it. A surge of pride and excitement coursed through me. 'I hit it!' I thought to myself, feeling a sense of accomplishment wash over me.

"Bravo, Patroklos." Lord Chiron's approving voice broke through my reverie, and I turned to him, feeling a sense of validation at his praise. 

"Finally, I'm starving." Achilles let out a chuckle from beside me. His hunting skills were already well-established, and he had taken down his fair share of prey. He was a true natural with the bow, as well as with the lyre and spear.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his comment, a smirk playing at the corners of my lips. "If you're that hungry, you could have always gone hunting on your own," I quipped, the sarcasm dripping from my words.

Achilles shot me a playful grin, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "I could have but I didn't want to steal your moment." He retorted, his tone light-hearted. 

"Enough." Lord Chiron's voice cut through our banter, reminding us of the task at hand. "The deer is still alive, Patroklos. You know what you must do." The deer still lay wounded, its fate resting in my hands. His words were gentle yet firm, a reminder of the solemn responsibility that came with taking the life of another creature. 

With guidance from Lord Chiron, Achilles had been gradually discovering the various capabilities of his unique spear. He now skillfully unsheathed it, allowing only the blade to emerge from the top.

As Achilles entrusted the weapon to my trembling hands, I clutched it tightly, feeling its weight and coldness seep into my very being. Desperation flooded my thoughts, for I had prayed fervently that this moment would never come to pass. Yet, against all hopes, it had become a harsh reality. My arrow had missed its mark, and now the poor creature lay before me, its anguished groans piercing the air, a haunting testament to my failure.

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