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As we arrived at our home, we were greeted with a lively atmosphere of feasting and celebration. King Peleus, in honor of his son's return, had organized a grand party and extended invitations to all the kingdoms of the Greek world. However, amidst the excitement, Achilles couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness. His mother, who held great significance in his life, was absent once again, and there was no information about her return. Although Achilles concealed his disappointment, I could sense the hurt he felt deep inside.

As the radiant sun gradually descended, casting a tranquil darkness across the sky, Achilles and I prepared ourselves in our private chamber. We meticulously adorned ourselves in elegant attire, paying careful attention to every detail. Achilles donned a striking white fustanella, a traditional Myrmidon garment that gracefully draped over his thighs. Its loose-fitting sleeves cascaded down his arms, revealing a glimpse of his hands. To complete his ensemble, he wore a resplendent golden vest, embellished with delicate black accents. Meanwhile, I dressed in a similar fashion, with a distinguished dark blue vest adorning my attire. Together, we presented ourselves in a manner befitting the grandeur of the occasion.

"So, how do I look?" Achilles stood before me, his arms outstretched, proudly displaying his meticulously chosen attire. His eyes searched mine, a hint of uncertainty flickering within them.

I couldn't help but suppress a grin, attempting to maintain a composed facade. His anxiousness was endearing, and I found myself chuckling softly at his self-doubt.

"Is it bad?! I knew I should have chosen the red one!" He muttered to himself, lamenting his choice of outfit. I couldn't help but chuckle at his antics.

His gaze shifted back to me, a single eyebrow raised inquisitively. With a gentle smile, I reassured him. "You look more than good, Achilles. In fact, I dare say Lady Helen may pale in comparison."

Achilles blushed, a rosy hue spreading across his cheeks, adding a touch of warmth to his already striking features. "You've already used that line on me you know."

"I know." I replied, closing the distance between us as I approached him "But that doesn't make it any less true."

Drawing him into an embrace, I wrapped myself around Achilles, feeling the strength of his arms encircle me in a protective hold. The sweet scent of ambrosia fruit, reminiscent of divine indulgence and our time together away from home, enveloped my senses, intoxicating and comforting all at once. I nestled my head against his chest, feeling the soft press of his lips and nose against the crown of my head, a tender gesture that filled me with a sense of belonging. His hands, firm yet gentle, grasped my back, providing a sense of security and affection.

Our enthralling moment was abruptly interrupted by a resounding knock that reverberated through the room, shattering the stillness. Startled, we immediately disentangled ourselves from each other's embrace, our hearts racing with a mix of anticipation and trepidation.

As the door swung open, a servant, dressed in a meticulously tailored uniform, stepped into the room. Their eyes darted respectfully between us, their demeanor a delicate blend of deference and duty. With a voice that carried a hint of urgency, they delivered their message, their words hanging in the air like a weighty secret. "The King is awaiting your presence, Your Majesty," they announced, their voice tinged with a subtle tremor of reverence.

With a swift nod of acknowledgment, the servant swiftly retreated, leaving us momentarily alone once again. Achilles, his gaze fixed upon me, seemed to convey a silent understanding. Without uttering a single word, he extended his arm towards me, an unspoken invitation that I readily accepted without a moment's hesitation.

With a confident stride, Achilles led me through the grand corridors of the palace, his hand firmly clasping mine. The walls were adorned with intricate designs, and the floors were polished to a gleaming shine, reflecting the flickering light of the chandeliers that hung above us.

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