One heck of a story

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Imogen and I walked down to our room in silence until... "Did you know that would happen?" asked Imogen her voice quiet.


"did you know Sage would do that?"

I sighed "And what if I did?"

She looked irritated "Did you just go with me to see what would happen." 

"Look that scene or moment that just happened was written down," I looked at her "I did know that would happen and was not about to prevent it. I'm sorry you got hurt and I didn't warn you. But I should not have intervened and prevented it from happening. And that little exchange you had with Sage is extremely important so I couldn't have been in the room or else I might have ruined it."

"I understand you may be in a difficult spot," Imogen looked into my eyes with a fierce expression. "But still if something important is about to happen in which someone might get hurt please let me know." 

"I... it depends on the situation." I could think of several where I could not, absolutely not intervene.  

Imogen didn't say anything after that and we walked back to the room in silence. When we made it back to the room Iris and Lydia both asked how it went and in full detail I explained what I could tell because I was never actually inside the room. 

"and then Mott told us to leave, I can only imagine what happened after that," I smirked before saying "I bet Sage won't let him continue to work as a servant for the boys."

"Wow," said Iris "That's one heck of a story."

"Glad you okay Imogen" Lydia said, Imogen gave a smile and I could feel her irritation directed at me. 

"What are you made about?" Iris asked Imogen 

Imogen glared and pointed at me. I sighed and said, "I think she's mad I didn't go in and try to stop the servant from hurting her."  

"yeah," said Lydia "I'm confused about why you didn't just go in it wouldn't have harmed anything, actually it might have prevented harm."

"I... I believe I thought that going in at the time would have caused something and would have been awkward because of what just happened an hour or two ago." 

"Then why did you ask to go?" Lydia asked. Iris stayed silent and you can imagine the same was for Imogen.

"I don't know I think I got excited and over thank it then realized on the way there I would not have done that."

Lydia smirked and Imogen face palmed as Iris started to squeal. My eyes widened and I started to panning and scoot back.

"You have a crush on Sage!" Iris squealed "I can't believe it! well, have to get you two together somehow! EEK!"

"No, no" I tried to explain through her ranting "I don't I... I..."

Iris settled down slightly and stared into my eyes. "I know love when I see it, now go to bed, and we'll further discuss this in the morning."

Lydia laughed and patted my back as Iris went lamp to lamp turning off the lights. "You messed up on this one." I buried my face in my hands and flopped down onto my bed in the now-dark room. I could not wait for this to be over

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