Tell Me Your Secret

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When Conor sent us out of the room Imogen and I were dismissed. We were told to go to our room for the night. As we left the kitchen I followed Imogen to our room when we made it there I looked along the walls for something. After a little while, I found what I was looking for. It was a hole in the wall about the size of two fingers put together. I looked to Imogen who was studying me with a careful eye. I noticed that she sat on the bed closest to mine. I knew I could trust her after all she wouldn't tell. I smiled at that.

"Do you know what made this hole?" I asked her.

She shook her head at me.

"I do," I say. Imogen looked at me confused. "I'll tell you a secret if you tell me one."

Imogen continue to look at me confused, possibly because she "couldn't" talk.

"My name is not Phillipa," I say, "and I'm not from Carthia In fact, on a wider scale, I'm not from this world."

I move to my bed as I say this. Feeling overwhelmed by all these emotions too many to tell what was what, only one made sense I started to feel lost. I felt the tears pouring down my face. As they poured I tried to stop them by whipping my face and biting my lip. After the tears stopped I took a breath. When I looked at Imogen she was sarong at me with a confused-considered mix of an expression.

"Your turn," Dropping the accent I say, "Tell me your secret"

She looked at me but said nothing.

"Ahh," I said slyly "won't tell, I know you can."

She looked at me with concern and shock fighting for control over her face. I smiled at her as I say. "I told you, I'm not from this world Imogen. Where I come from this world I fiction. A fantasy constructed by an imaginative author." I was slightly irritated when she just stared at me.

"Stop playing dum Imogen." I say "I know you can talk, and I'll keep your secret if you keep mine. Can I trust you, Imogen?"

Getting over her shock she whispered a "yes."

"Good, I say, "any questions."

"Is what you said all true?" she asked


"How far ahead do you know?"

"Till the King's wedding day. Although Not all of it"

"So you know why Master Connor brought those boys here?"


"Can you tell me?" she asked.

"You don't know yet? I asked and she shook her head.

"No, will you tell me?"

I nodded and told her his plan.

"The royal family was killed a few nights ago. So Connor plans to create a false ascension to the throne by one of the three boys impersonating the lost prince Jarron. The three boys he brought here, were Tobias, Roden, and Sage. will compete to become this false prince. Connor planned to choose the winner in two weeks but it will happen in less time." 

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