Chapter 6 Journey To Korriban

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After the events with the Zillobeast, to which I was given a 'talking to' by the jedi. Yet again their words meant nothing to me. They are awfully easy to ignore when you are processing a multitude of lives in your head.

Shaak Ti and Luminara had to constantly bring my attention back to the jedi masters. Why do I listen to pretty things, I mean people... mammals... who cares.

"What are you thinking about... sir?" A voice asked and I turned to see the clone I think goes by Captain Rex.

I looked back towards the ship I was staring at, "Need to go somewhere. I sense something."

"Do you have premission to leave?" He asked.

I sighed, "That would prevent less hassle in the future. I'll be right back."

The clone captain nodded looking slightly confused by the interaction. "Yes sir." He answered as he thought of whether he just agreed to be my ride or not, and so decided to go to his general.

Making my way through the temple I find Yoda with Mace Windu, they notice me walking towards them and stopped and turned to me.

"Help you, can we?" Yoda asked and I nodded.

"I 'need' permission to leave." I told them clearly disclosing I don't believe I actually need it.

"Where are you going?" Windu asked me scowling slighty. Is he ever happy or have any positive emotion on his face?

"Korriban." I told him and he adorned a glare.

"No." Windu said.

"Go there, why must you?" Yoda asked me curious.

"Sense something." I said simply, "Something calling out, I have decided I want it."

Yoda and Windu both looked at each other and had a quick quiet discussion that I didn't bother listening too. Instead I busied myself on thinking how I will get to Korriban.

I can't exactly teleport, I think. An Aeldari ship could get me to Korriban, unfortunate thing being no Aeldari ships are around.

"Very well." Windu said, "You will go to Korriban with an escort of Jedi to retrieve what you are sensing."

I frowned. "I will keep it."

Windu frowned, "No you will not."

"When the artifact is retrieved, decide we will what is done about it." Yoda told us breaking the arguement before it could truly begin. "Go with Skywalker, Kenobi and Luminara you will."

"Very well, atleast one is aestheticly pleasing." I sighed and walked towards the hanger, "I will be waiting."




Standing on the bridge of the Resolute was Anakin and his padawan Ahsoka along with the addition of Luminara and Y/N. Kenobi was on his own Venator called the Negotiator.

Currently both were now sailing through hyperspace. Y/N stood staring out the window completely without worry. Morma stood dutifully beside Y/N.

Morma was currently staring a young woman dressed in an officers uniform. Said woman was staring at the contorl panel Y/N stood infront of, she appeared nervous and Morma staring her down didn't help.

"Skywalker." Luminara said getting said Jedi Knight's attention. "I think one of your crew needs assitance." She said pointing to the officier who couldn't get to her station due to Y/N.

"Y/N." Anakin called getting their attention. "Let the officer get to her station."

Confused Y/N looked around before spotting the officier, who immediately got more nervous upon their gaze focusing on her.

Y/N walked up to the officer and grabbed her hand before placing a kiss on it, "Apologies for being in your way, I had not intended to be a bother to you ma'am."

The officer blushed profusely, "I-I-Its n-no trouble r-really!"

"Is he flirting with her?" Ahsoka asked as he watched the interaction.

"I am unsure." Anakin admited.

"Could I get your name ma'am?" Y/N asked giving the officer a smile.

"I-It's Miranda..." She told him shyly.

Before Y/N could flirt more with Miranda, Anakin spoke up once again, "Y/N let her do her job."

Y/N did a mock pout, "But she's adorable."

"Well if she doesn't do it the ship will suffer some serious malfunctions." Anakin said crossing his arms.

Y/N sighed crossing his arms, "Very well, you jedi are never any fun."

Y/N walked over to Anakin and stood beside him as Morma followed right behind him.

"So what exactly are we looking for?" Ahsoka asked turning to Y/N.

Y/N stared out the window for a moment before closing his eyes. "Desperation, fear, confusion... I can feel these radiating from whoever I am sensing."

"So we are looking for a person?" Luminara asked for clarification.

"Yes." Y/N nodded slowly opening their eyes. "It is a.... lonely presence."

"How can a presence be lonely?" Ahsoka asked confused.

"Korriban is a desolate planet that is teeming with the darkside." Luminara told her. "How anyone could be surviving there is... unknown."

"I see..." Ahsoka said.

"Should we prepare for a fight?" Captain Rex asked.

"No, I don't want whats mine getting damaged." Y/N told him.

Anakin rolled his eyes, "Yes Rex you should be on guard."

"Skywalker is right, Korriban is still a dangerous place." Luminara added.

The view out the windows of the ship slowly shifted from the bluring lines of stars into what looked to be a planet. Said planet was a redish orange with clouds swirling, well on the parts of the planet that they could see as it was half unlit due to not being on the side facing the sun.

"Looks like Geonosis." Ahsoka commented.

"Another desert planet." Anakin sighed disliking the thought of more sand.

"No oceans sadly." Y/N pouted. "A beach would be nice. Add some beauty to the planet."

"I don't think the sith had beauty in mind when they were here." Anakin commented.

"A shame really." Y/N sighed before turning to the bridge doors, "Lets get down to the surface."




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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2023 ⏰

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