Chapter Twenty (Smut)

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Harry wakes the next morning turning to see Matteo's bum out for the world to see on the cot across from him. His arms draped around his very naked sister, all their clothes from the night before laying on the ground beside them. Harry thought he was going to puke his guts out, the gagging started before he finally let out a strangled yell "Riddle!" disgust coating his words. This was truly his worst nightmare, he thought snogging was going to be the worst he would have to endure but no knowing his sister and Riddle had.....Merlin he couldn't even think it without his stomach rolling. The gagging started again as he looked away. Hermione and Ron both wake from all of Harry's incessive noises. Emma quickly grabs the blankets trying to cover herself in embarrassment. "Can you please try to keep it down, I'm trying to sleep." Matteo grumbles not giving a damn that his assets are on full display. "Oh stop being dramatic Harry" Hermione quips her eyebrow cocking at Emma in a silent "you go girl". Matteo pulls Emma back into him, his head nuzzling into her neck. "It's too early for your brother to be this loud." he whines into her. Ron takes a big gulp "Well I guess we know why you are dating Riddle huh?" he chuckles nervously as he tries to look any where else besides the two of them on the cot. Harry continues to be over dramatic as he dry heaves and gags in the corner of the tent. "Okay all three of you out!" Emma demands them as Ron helps Harry outside.

Once the three of them were outside Emma tilts her head down to look at Matteo, a smug smile on his face. "Matteo Thomas Riddle" her voice was sharp, he knew he was in trouble. His eyes peak up to see her gaze narrowed on him. "Good morning, princess" he teases her, he quickly learns this was not the moment to be playful. "You couldn't cover up?" she questions him. His grin still very playful. "Why would I do that. I happen to look amazing naked" Emma wanted to slap that beautiful smug grin off his face. She couldn't help when her eyes start to trail down his body before she remembers she was mad at him. "That's not the point. We are living in a tent with three other people. We need to be respectful towards their feelings." she watches him carefully as he moves to hover over her. His lips trailing hot kisses up her neck, making her shiver. "You weren't complaining last night about being respectful..." He pauses to gently bite her ear causing another round of goosebumps. His lips come right by her ear as he whispers "In fact you were calling out my name when I was buried deep inside you." he leans back to see her eyes consumed with lust. "Matteo..." her voice was practically begging him. He quickly flips her over finding her entrance before slamming into her. His hand coming to cover her mouth as a moan escapes her lips. It drove him mad the way her ass would back up into him joining his rhythm. He was feral this morning, something about fucking his girl knowing at any moment they could get caught. His hand continues to cover her mouth as her moans keep coming in waves. He knew she was close, her body was shaking....he could feel her tightening around him. "Who do you belong to?" his voice gruff as he continues to slam into her, he lets his hand slip from her mouth as she tilts her head to look at him behind her. "Yours" her breathy voice making him wild. "That's right love" it didn't take long before they both lose all control. "Oh fuck Matteo!" she screams out. If it wasn't obvious before than the golden trio definitely knows what they were doing after her screams. They collapse on the bed panting as Matteo tries to blindly find their clothes on the floor next to him. They quickly get dressed, Emma cautiously walking outside the tent to talk with Harry.

She find Harry sitting on a log further away from the tent. She walks past Hermione as she gives her a knowing smile. Emma tucks her raven black hair behind her ears the blush creeps over her cheeks. The leaves crunch under her feet as she makes her way to Harry. He doesn't bother to look up at her, he couldn't look at her. "Harry" she says softly like he was a scared toddler. He ignores her "Come on wasn't that bad" she tells him, his face swiftly turning to look at her. "Wasn't that bad!" he shouts in shock. "My sister laying naked with her naked boyfriend right in front of me! How would you feel if you saw me and Ginny?" he asks in horror. Emma shrugs her shoulders "I certainly wouldn't be as dramatic as you are being right now" she answers him as his eyes widen. "My sister is having sex with her boyfriend in the same tent as me!" he shouts again. "It could have been could have walked in on us like Pansy and Theo did." she tells him nonchalantly. Harry starts to gag again, Emma rolling her eyes at him. "Merlin's beard.....I don't need to know that this happens more than once!" more gagging ensues. "Oh for Christ sakes Harry!" she yells at him "Get over it and stop being so dramatic!" she abruptly stands as she walks back over to the tent.

War, Love, and Riddle //Matteo Riddle x OCWhere stories live. Discover now