Chapter Three - Heart Eyes For A Hufflepuff

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It's been weeks since Matteo has talked to Emma, which has pissed her off more than him calling her princess. She tried to apologize to him the next day feeling a little bad about her outbursts. He just walked past her ignoring her.

Matteo told himself that it was easier to just ignore her and act like she wasn't there. He thought that was going to be the answer to saving her, even if it killed him to watch her from afar.

Emma has gotten really close to Pansy and Enzo they have become her closest friends here at Hogwarts. It was clear they were good for her soul and kept her at peace when she missed Beauxbatons.

It felt like torture to sit next to Matteo during potions. She tired to convince Slughorn to let her switch seats with someone but Slughorn was convinced that her and Riddle made perfect partners for potions. Which made no sense to her considering he refused to talk to her and acted like she didn't even exist. He made sure every class they had together he would be as far away from her as he possibly could.

Emma was so exhausted by the end of the day she fell on to her bed as Pansy watched her groan into her pillow. "Matteo still giving you the cold shoulder?" she asks watching Emma's reaction. "I think cold shoulder is putting it lightly." Emma retorts as she props herself up to look at her friend. "I hate him. I hate Matteo Riddle with every fiber of my being and I hate that he steals every free thought in my mind." Pansy walks over to her bed sitting down next to her. "Why don't you try to talk to him?" she offers but Emma just shakes her head. "He wont talk to me Pans. He's done everything in his power to avoid me like the plague." Pansy can't help the laugh that escapes her lips. "There's a reason he's avoiding you." Emma grabs a pillow trying to hide her face. "We kissed" she barely gets out her voice shaking. "I'm sorry what did you say, because it kind of sounds like you just told me you and Riddle kissed?" Pans teases her as she flops back down on her bed letting out an aggravated sigh. "At the welcome party, we kissed in the astronomy tower. The next night we got into a fight I told him the kiss was a mistake and he told me that he's had better kisses so I told him to fuck off" Emma lets the damn burst.

Pansy couldn't believe what she was hearing. She knew that there was something going on between the two of them but she didn't actually think they shared a kiss. She knew Matteo had a thing for Emma, it was very evident that boy had a major crush on the Potter girl. Pansy knew that the kiss wasn't the reason why Matteo has all of a sudden gone cold on Emma, she wasn't exactly sure of the reason but she was going to find out. "I'll talk to him" she offers to Emma. She shoots straight up looking Pansy straight in the eyes. "No you will not!" Emma was panicking now. "I don't need him knowing that I am giving him any thought. He wants to ignore me than fine. I'll ignore him right back!" Pansy rolled her eyes at Emma's outburst. "You both are the most stubborn people I have ever met." Emma hits Pansy with her pillow as she scoffs before pansy grabs one of the pillows next to Emma and hits her back.

"You know you can't ignore her forever?" Theo says to Matteo as he takes a long sip of his drink. The boys were sitting in the common room trying to decided what they wanted to do that evening. "I have no idea what you are talking about." he says as he rolls his head over to look at Theo with angry hooded eyes. "He's right, you are ignoring her and I have no idea why but it's stupid." Enzo says. "Why do you care?" Matteo barks out, surprising Enzo. "Maybe because she's one of my friends and I actually care about her well being and your being a proper dick!" he tells Matteo. "It's for her own good. To stay away from me." he tells Enzo. Draco and Theo understand where he's coming from but Enzo shakes his head. "Good for her how? I see how much your dick behavior is hurting her. This isn't you Matteo. You might act like this to everyone else here but we know that's not you." Enzo keeps pushing as Matteo feels his anger rising. It felt like an elephant was sitting on his chest. Pansy and Emma started making their way down the stairs but Matteo didn't realize this. "Did you ever think that maybe I just don't like her? That maybe I find her annoying? She's just like her brother, acts like she doesn't want to be a savior to the people  but deep down she thrives on it." he spews. Emma stops dead in her tracks as tears pool in her eyes. "You're a proper asshole Matteo Riddle" her voice wavering with emotion. Matteo's heart drops to the pit of his stomach at the sound of her voice. Everyone turns to see her and Pansy on the stairs. She could see the pity in their eyes. She hated seeing it, she didn't want anyone to pity her.

War, Love, and Riddle //Matteo Riddle x OCWhere stories live. Discover now