I Felt So Powerless

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Kya woke up the next morning to find Lin's side of the bed empty. The waterbender had grown a little paranoid with everything that had happened in the past few days and she worriedly glanced around. Lin hadn't forgotten, she assured herself, not completely believing it.

She walked out of the bedroom and found Lin already packing food for their picnic later.

"Good morning," Kya said sleepily. She gave Lin a side hug and kissed her cheek. "I could have helped you pack, you know."

"Thanks, but I got it covered. You worry about me too much."

Kya raised an eyebrow. "You know I can see your knee, right? And the crutches."

Lin nodded but otherwise kept packing the food. Where she got the basket to put everything in, Kya had no idea, but when she was satisfied with what she packed, she closed the lid.


"I didn't realize you were that close to being done. Let me go get dressed real quick."

Kya scurried back to the bedroom and returned in her everyday clothes. She scooped up the basket handle in her arms and the two of them made their way out of the apartment.

They ended up at a nearby park a few blocks away from the bay. There was still morning dew on the grass, and a foggy haze hovered over the water. Tall trees lined the stone path and shaded it with their lush branches. The park was empty other than an elderly couple walking arm in arm.

Kya spread a blanket on the grass and unpacked the food. The pair began to eat, but Kya nervously glanced at Lin, mind still lingering on last night. Had she really forgotten about their anniversary? No, Kya told herself. That wasn't like Lin.

In an attempt to distract herself, Kya offered a healing session to her with some of the water they brought.

"No," Lin said gruffly.

Kya's heart dropped. Her fingers froze in place above the water pouch cap. "Why not?"

"I'm fine. I don't need it." Lin's hand rested protectively above her injured knee

"Yes, you do!"

"I told you I don't. Just drop it." She punctuated each word of her last sentence and turned her back in Kya's direction.

"Lin!" she exclaimed fiercely.

"What?" She spun around, eyes narrowed. "Do you think I'm so incapable of doing anything that I can't survive without your little healing powers?"

Kya could feel the elderly couple staring at their argument. It felt like even the breeze had stopped blowing just to listen in.

"What is with you right now?"

Lin forced her voice into a calm, even tone. "I said I'm fine. Nothing is wrong."

Kya crossed her arms. "I might not have seismic sense like your mother, but I can still tell when you're lying. Now spill it." She softened her voice. "What's been bothering you lately?"

Lin sighed and leaned back on her arms. She looked towards the bay and remained quiet. Kya, not willing to give up on getting an answer, uncapped her water pouch and bent it over Lin's knee. It glowed with healing energy.

They stayed silent for a few minutes. The only noise was the gentle push and pull of Kya's waterbending. Lin relaxed her shoulders and let out another sigh.

"It was one on one," she said quietly. "Just me and him in the alley. But he got away. He got away so easily. All three of them did. They completely took me out and then they just ran away. I'm the chief of police, and I can't even stop a simple robbery."

Lin looked down and closed her eyes before continuing. "I felt so... powerless."

Kya immediately felt ashamed that she had ever been worried about their anniversary. Of course Lin would be beating herself up about this. Kya should've known.

"I'm so sorry, Lin."

Kya closed the space between them and hugged her tightly. At first Lin stiffened up and tried to resist, but as always, Kya persisted. She melted into the hug. And in that moment, the only thing in their worlds was each other.

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