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Chapter Three | The Wonderstudies

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Chapter Three | The Wonderstudies

Violet was at Rehearsal, Gina had just pitched the idea of a Taylor, Gabriella dance break in 'stick to the status quo' and although Violet loved it and could dance she felt that it just didn't quite fit for it to be done by the pair.

"I like the idea but it feels out of Gabriella's character at this point to be so in the spotlight, maybe it should be more of a Taylor solo moment" Violet suggested, when Miss Jenn agreed she saw Gina smile just a little bit brighter at the idea of a solo and it made Violet really happy as her and Gina where becoming fast friends. 

Carlos, Gina and Violet worked on how the solo would fit into the status quo dance as the rest of the kids slowly entered the bomb shelter.

They were an hour into rehearsal when Nini arrived Miss Jenn had a quick conversation with her before they got back to rehearsal.

"What do I do he's just always there, I mean we agreed that we would be friends but that is so hard when all I want to do is kiss him" Violet ranted as she painted Indigo's nails. "I mean there's also the thing with the show, like did he join for me because I think he joined for me, he basically told me he joined for me after the cast list went up but he said it was for friend bonding so I don't know"

Indigo sighed as her older sisters ranted before thinking for a second "Well he joined the show for you, friend or not and if you want to kiss him just kiss him and see what happens"

"But I can't risk complicating the show" 

"That's not the real reason and we both know it" 

"That is so the reason Indi" Violet denied

 "Fine don't tell me, I'll find out eventually" 

Miss Jenn and Violet were attempting to run through the Troy, Chad rooftop scene but it was very stiff so Miss Jenn had them do an exercise involving throwing a basketball back and forth. Quicker than anyone could comprehend the exercise got out of hand and Ricky launched the basketball into E.j's face. Violet's eyes widened as his nose started to bleed and so she offered to go clean him up.

Violet was sitting on the counter in the boys toliets while E.j cleaned his shirt under the tap. "I can't believe Ricky, first he joins the musical to steel Nini and now he gives me a bloody nose" 

"Actually a don't think he joined the musical for Nini. I think he joined for me" Violet sighed making E.j lift his head to look at her "why would he do that?"

"Because we practically dated this summer, we agreed to just being friends after summer ended, but we spent the whole summer together" She revealed "I know I should of told you, I mean you my best friend it's just I didn't know how to tell you I spent the whole summer with your new girlfriend's ex"

"I just wish i new sooner it would of stoped me doing something really stupid" When Violet looked at him in confusion he continued "I stole Nini's phone because I though something was going on with her and Ricky again, there wasn't he and Nini have and no over phone communication it turns out but that dosen't chance the fact the Nini might never forgive me when I tell her" Violet just brought him into a hug. "Well king caswell I need to get back to rehearsal"

E.j grimised a the childhood nickname before laughing a response "Alright get out before you get caught, see you later purple princess"

Violet was on her way back to rehearsal when she saw Carlos approch Miss Jenn and Mr Mazzara when she got closer she watch as Mr Mazzara stepped closer to Carlos as he spoke "you ought to spend a little less time worrying about your drama teacher and more time trying to make some friends under the age of 35" when Violet saw how hurt Carlos's face was she moved to stand infont of him forgetting for a second that Mr Mazzara was a teacher.

 "Excuse me as a member of the student council I think it's my responsibility to remind you that we updated are bullying polices at last weeks meeting and if I ever hear you address a member of the student body like that again I will go to Principal Gutierrez in regards to a teacher abusing his athoruty to insult and belittle students, now if you'll excuse us, Carlos and I have to run the status quo vocals" she said before grabbing Carlos's wrist and leading him into the bomb shelter, Carlos thanked her as they made there way inside before calling everyone to the piano.


Rehearsal had ended and Violet was making her way towards her car when Ricky ran up to her. He stopped in front of her breathing heavily as he spoke "Hi". 

"Hi" Violet said confused as to why he needed to speak to her so desperately he ran "Whats up?"

Ricky signed finally having caught his breath "I just need to get this off my chest, I still like you and I really hate just being friends" 

Violet opened her mouth to speak but before she could get a word out he spoke again "Don't say anything yet ok jus-just think about it, ok" with that he turned and ran away towards his own car leaving Violet standing outside school with a 1000 thoughts running through her head.

Authors Note

Ok so pop of Purple Princess, I don't even care if Violet talking to Mr Mazzara like that might be a little dramatic I needed her to knock him of his high horse for how he spoke to Carlos there.

Also Ricky you should of let her speak (not me acting like i didn't write that scene lol) 

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