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Chapter One | The Auditions

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Chapter One | The Auditions

It was Violet's first day of junior year and she was terrified, She and her girlfriend Alex had broken up just before summer started as Alex was moving for her senior year. That summer instead of being sad, single and alone like Violet thought she would be she spent every day with her 5th-grade crush, Ricky Bowen, but no one knew, well except their families and Big Red. Everyone else including all other friends and their exes thought they spent the summer alone. Although Ricky and Violet agreed that what happened that summer was just for the summer, that was until they started to miss being more than friends.

Violet was dressed in her cheer uniform and trying to find her best friend Ej in the halls but before she could find him she was pulled into the secret staff-only stairwell looking up she saw the face of Richard Bowen. "What the hell Ricky are you trying to give me a heart attack" she huffed as she leaned back against the wall. "Sorry, I just wanted to talk" He said as he slipped his hands into his pockets, rocking on his feet slightly "Yah know about what happened this summer"

Sighing Violet looked up at him "We agreed at the start of summer that whatever this was would end when school started, and that we would be friends, don't worry I'll... uh see you later" She picked up her bag leaving the stairwell before he could say another word.

"No, give it back" Violet yelled as she leaned over Ricky trying to grab her notebook from his hand as they lay on her bed.

It was the fourth week of summer and Ricky had stole Violet's notebook to read the lyrics she had been working on. "This is a duet" Ricky smiled as he continued to fight Violet off and read at the same time "You wrote this for us, perfect harmony huh, good name, amazing lyrics, ok it's official this is our song" This caused Violet to still before sitting up and looking directly at him "You really think the lyrics are good?" she asked "Amazing" he replied "In fact, I think we should sing it right now" he said as he stood up and moved to grab Violet's guitar.

After sitting with the cheerleaders at the assembly Violet finally found Ej at lunch, sitting with a girl Violet knew as Kourtney and his new girlfriend Nini, Ricky's ex. When Ej asked her about her summer Violet said it was boring before asking Kourtney about her own in an attempt to not have to mention her real summer activities around Nini.

"And that's how I spent my break" Kourtney said as she finished a feminism speech. Nini smiled at her best friend "Did I not tell you she's amazing"

"She is amazing, you're amazing" Ej praised looking between Nini and Kourtney as he spoke.

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