Part 26

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A/N - Well here we are the very end of this sweet little story! Thank you so much for reading along, I hope you had as much fun as I did writing this! xxx

The pretty estate of Goodwich was declared to be the perfect house for the soon-to-be-married Colonel Fitzwilliam and Georgiana Darcy, and if the Earl of Matlock had been disappointed that Darcy's recommendation had been the preferred choice, he never said as much.

Things moved at a pace after the fateful masquerade ball, for word soon spread that the handsome colonel and Georgiana were to wed and nobody who knew them could fault the pairing. That they should make their home in Derbyshire was a given, too, and within an easy riding or walking - about which Lizzy had specifically enquired - distance of Pemberley.

"This shall be Georgiana's domain, her music room," Richard said, as he walked Georgiana, Lizzy and Darcy through the house that had recently become his. "Is it not the most delightfully sunny room? We will bring your piano, of course, although I have plans of my own to acquire more instruments. Perhaps the harp, Georgie! Would you not enjoy learning to play that?"

"Richard thinks I am so talented I can play an instrument as soon as looking at it," Georgiana whispered to Elizabeth, as the two young ladies walked arm-in-arm, admiring the house.

"Quite so, for you are the best musician I have ever had the good fortune to know!" her fiancé declared with a smile. "Come, Darcy, look out of these windows and tell me if this land does not look to be excellent ground for riding and shooting?"

"And you have not told them the very best of it!" Georgiana said, forsaking Elizabeth to hurry to the window. "From here you can just about see the light shining on the surface."

"Oh, yes!"

Lizzy and Darcy exchanged a look of amused curiosity that was not satisfied until Georgiana turned around and offered an explanation.

"There is a lake which is liable to freeze in winter, so Richard and I have decided it shall be perfect for skating on. After all, some Christmas traditions must be kept only for December..."

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