Part 22

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"Have you seen Richard anywhere?"

Georgiana's voice was high pitched and she glanced with agitation around the room as she sought to spot their absent cousin.

"He was dancing with Miss Arnold, was he not?" Darcy asked, unconcerned until he noticed the brightness of Georgiana's eyes. "And yet, you are right. He does not seem to be here." He turned his head, scouting the crowd for the familiar sight and sound of the amiable colonel. "Ah, there is Miss Arnold. Perhaps she knows where he has disappeared to!"

This idea did not seem to settle Georgiana's anxiety much, but she obediently followed Darcy's indication and crossed the room to enquire of the young lady.

"Oh, isn't this a wonderful evening?" Lizzy asked, coming up to join her husband and surveying the milling crowd with delight. "Look, people are already lining up for the second dance. Shall we join them? Or..." She trailed off, noticing the frown on Darcy's face. "Is something the matter?"

"We have lost Richard," Darcy grumbled, watching the brief exchange between Georgiana and Henrietta Arnold and reading, even from a distance, their lack of success.

"Lost him?" Lizzy chuckled. "What do you mean?" She saw Darcy's frown and her smile fell. "Well, he was here a moment ago, was not he? And the dancing is about to start again. You know how fond he is of dancing, and how much he will be in demand as a partner. He will surely surface again momentarily."

"Hmm." Darcy could not fault his wife's logic, but at the moment it was concern for his sister, not logic, that dictated his mood. There was some agitation to Georgiana's movements, and he fancied that whilst she smiled and laughed with every guest she passed, it took her a great effort to do so. This, then, had been his point of concern all this long visit. Ever since he had had the idea of Georgiana developing some affection for Richard, Darcy had feared her heartbreak. He had thought it avoided by speaking to Richard but it seemed his warning had fallen on deaf ears. He cannot claim ignorance of her feelings, however much he tried to tell me I was imagining things. Darcy consulted his pocket watch, then turned to his wife.

"Perhaps you might dance this time with one of our guests, dearest. I had better go and discover where Richard has gone to." He drew his lips into a firm line. He did not say, and who he is with, but the thought had certainly added itself in his mind. Surely Richard would not be foolish enough - or caddish enough! - to seduce a young lady at a ball thrown partly in his honour. Perhaps I do not know my cousin as well as I thought!

"Oh, there he is!"

Elizabeth had been the first to spot the colonel, and when Darcy turned his head he was not sure he would have recognised him, had he been the first to see him. It was Richard, sure enough, but without a trace of his usual smile and ease. Darcy was moving towards him before he was conscious of it.


"Darcy! Good evening."

"Here you are." Darcy squinted, then leaned forward to brush a stray collection of leaves, twigs and cobwebs from his cousin's shoulder. "What have you been up to?" He frowned. "Or don't I wish to know?"

"Hmm?" Richard was distracted but did at least look at his cousin. "Oh, nothing. Just. Fresh air, you know." He shrugged and stepped away, lifting his hand to smooth down his hair. "If you will excuse me, I see the dancing is about to start."

"Yes, and -"

Richard did not seem to hear Darcy, at least he gave no sign that he did. He was already moving and Darcy's heart sank when he realised his goal. Georgiana was standing with two friends, talking in a low whisper, and Richard made his way directly towards her, hanging back until she lifted her head and noticed him. It was as if the sun had appeared from behind a cloud. Georgiana's entire countenance shifted and she smiled, the kind of smile Darcy did not recall ever seeing her wear before, and he frowned, seeing the situation for himself for the first time.

"There! Tell me I am not right!"

Elizabeth's voice rang with rejoicing, even in a whisper, and Darcy did not need to turn to imagine the triumphant smile his wife would be wearing. She had come up beside him and witnessed the same transformation he had done. There was no denying it. The affection was genuine, on Georgiana's part at least.

"I did not doubt you," he said, hearing Lizzy's sharp intake of breath and turning towards her. "Well, I grew to believe you." He massaged his forehead, feeling the beginning of a headache that was likely only to worsen as their evening progressed. "I could well believe Georgiana might care. I merely doubted her love would be returned." He smiled, grimly. "I do not care to see my sister's heart broken twice, nor for the man responsible to be a friend." He paused. He had been going to say again, but had George Wickham ever been a friend? Not of the calibre Richard had been. It will tear our two families apart if he is not kind. "I should go over there..."

"Wait." Lizzy's hand slipped into his and she held him fast and together they watched as Richard bowed, bending close enough to Georgiana to ask her something that made her smile and blush and curtsey in return and together they joined the line of couples waiting for the next dance to begin. "They look well together, do not you think?"

"Hmm." Darcy was frowning so hard he could scarcely see to comment. Georgiana looked happy, at least, but that could change in an instant. Richard did not smile. His usually ruddy complexion was pale, and there was an edge to his posture that Darcy had never noticed there before. He is nervous, he realised, seeing his cousin exhibit a trait that was ill-at-ease with his usual brash confidence. As well he ought to be, knowing he is about to harm the gentlest creature there ever was.

"Let them dance," Lizzy whispered, drawing him closer to her. "We shall take a turn about the room and see to our guests. One dance will not cause very much damage, surely!"

"I do not know about that," Darcy grumbled, obedient to his wife's direction physically, even as his mind remained fixed on future concerns. "I recall dancing once with you was enough to seal my fate forever."

"Yes and look where it brought us. Happy together!" She beamed at him. "Eventually."

"Yes." Darcy smiled but swiftly returned to a scowl when he thought of another year of returning Georgiana to herself after another failed love. Damn Richard for not making himself love her. He will never find a better young lady, even if he searched the whole country twice over! I wish I had never invited him to visit, and that we had never decided upon this festive midsummer foolishness. It has made everyone lose their heads, and poor Georgie will suffer for it. He dragged his gaze away from his sister to look at his wife. "We were happy. Eventually."

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