Chapter Twelve

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Shayne walked with her hands in her pockets, eyes on the ground instead of scanning the surrounding area, as she'd normally be doing, while deep in thought. Usually she can read people as if she's reading a book. Their emotional intent and readings glow like neon in the dark, and yet from Vee there is nothing. She still believes that his personal demons are shadowing his soul and that's why there's nothing but darkness from him. However, his carefree attitude and questionable sense of humor makes him impossible to decipher. Is he joking or genuine? Mad or playing hard to get? Upset or trying for sympathetic attention? Honest about what he wants and doesn't what, about what he believes in and why?

If she asked would he tell her? Not likely. He apparently enjoys her distress and the mental qualms he creates for her. He's the most annoying person she has ever had the displeasure of knowing. Which is saying a lot because in her young life she has met all kinds of people and creatures from every realm and all walks of life; however, none of them have ever irritated her as much as the one walking beside her, singing a Rolling Stone's song under his breath, kicking an empty soda can as he walks with his hands shoved in his back pockets, a carefree hop in his step.

Unbeknownst to the young Knight, Vee was having the same type of internal dilemma regarding himself. He knows that he doesn't want any part of the White Knights and their world. He hasn't even met them and he can't stand them and what they stand for and the means in which they accomplish what they do. However, he does like the Shadow Knights and the fact that they are the rebels of the White Knights and have a real anti-establishment attitude and outlook on the entire premise of Nephilims and Knights, give the man the finger attitude...he rather enjoys that.

Vee isn't a rebel but his mother raised him to always follow his heart. That's what she did thus that's why they lived how they did, and did what they did. Growing up without electricity didn't bother him. There was no television and the only music they had was from an old crank record player and the forty-fives that his mom got from flea markets and swap meets. Bathing in the shallow creeks or black plastic garbage bags filled with water, heated by the sun, was rustic camping at its finest according to this mother. They danced in the rain and told stories by campfire, fed chickens and peacocks, milked cows and gathered eggs in the morning to sell at the local farmers markets. The simplicity of the life that they lead was perfect and it was exactly what he didn't know he needed growing up.

There were no demons lingering in the shadows. There were no monsters hiding under the bed. There were no Shadowlands. But, most importantly, there were no Knights running around slaying evil while the ignorant sleep soundly in their beds. Life was easy, pure, virtuous in its simplicity, and he was completely content with that.

Now that's no longer the case. Everything Vee had known, the world that he was completely content and happy with, came crashing down around him. In mere seconds the life he knew was no more. His mother was taken from him and his childhood quickly became a blur of memories that he can only recall when he closes his eyes. But sadly they always end the same. In blood.

Seemingly overnight he turned into a warrior. He no longer wanted to live off of the land, be one with nature and embrace an indigenous lifestyle. He wanted vengeance and atonement, and only blood will satisfy that desire and that takes precedence over everything else.

Shayne stopped in front of a dark condemned building and softly growled under her breath. Vee was about to ask what they were waiting for but she stopped him with an upraised hand. "It's a glamour," she explained. "Glamours are used by Underworlders in order to guise what the Worldlies shouldn't see or concern themselves with. The Sanctuary is veiled in a glamour so we don't get bible wielding assholes knocking on our doors at all hours."

Vee nodded, not entirely understanding. "I saw a church at the Sanctuary," he said.

"Did you see it or did it sneak up on you?" she mused, cocking an eyebrow.

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