First time

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Hey, I am trying not to make this smut because I don't want all my books to involve smut so I will not be detailing it.

Katies Pov:
I am ready. I am ready to have sex with Cait. She has been hinting it for days and I think I am finally ready. I think that I am gonna make the day about Cait amd then make a move on her and hope it goes the way I want it too.

Katie gets up whilst Cait is sleeping and takes a quick shower and then goes into the kitchen to get started on some waffles.

It takes Katie 15 minutes to make the waffles and add the topings. She then makes homemade orange juice and brings it into Cait.

Katie wakes Cait up and then they have some breakfast in bed.
The talk about stuff and how they have late training today.

C: Ready for training
K: Ye, I like late training anyway
C: Really
K: Ye, u get to do more stuff in the day
C: True true

They finish breakfast and then Caitlin goes into the bathroom to do everything she needs to do.

Whilst Caitlin is doing that, Katie decides to go and wash up the dishes and watch some TV.

After Cait finishes with everything she needs to do she goes into her study to gets some more uni work done.

Katie gets confused why Cait is taking so long so she goes to check the bedroom and dosent see Cait and then when she is walking back out she sees Cait doing some work so she leaves her to her own devises.

Caits Pov:
I have some much uni work to catch up on. I have been delaying and delaying it and I finally have to do it which is anything. We don't have training till 1:15 so I can do this till 12. Have lunch and then me and Katie can get to training. God I should not of put all this off.

(Skip to 12)

After 2 hours of working Cait makes her way out of the study rubbing her eyes and to see Katie making them some lunch.

C: Sorry I went missing for a while
K: I saw its alright, how's the work
C: Hard, got like another hour of work and then should be caught up
K: That's good, I'm there to help if u want
C: Ye thanks
K: No problem, here's lunch
C: Thanks

Cait takes the food and sits down at the table with Katie. They eat in silence and then gey everything ready for training. On the way to training the listen to some music and talk about there plans for the afternoon.
Katie knows exactly what she wants to do but she dosent day. She listens to Caitlin and just smiles and offers a word here and there.

(After training)

C: Let's have dinner here with everyone else
K: Ye I agree

Caits sits with Steph and talks about the home world cup whilst Katie sits with Jen, Beth, Jord and Viv.

(On the way home)

Cait is driving and Katie keeps putting her hand on Caits thigh. Cait knows what is coming and takes a diopter route home.

When they get home Katie pins Cait to the wall, kisses her and then leads her to the bedroom.

They both go to bed with a smile and is happy like they will for the rest of there lives.

Happy together.

Hey guys, I have acctuly decided that this is the last chapter. There will be a epilogue. So that should come later on today but ye, my unexpected love book is finished.

I know a lot of people love this book and I am very thankful for it.

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