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Katies Pov:
I didn't get much sleep last night because of the fight with me and Rue. I thought she would of understood. She is the one who broke up with me. Why shouldn't I move on. Cait has made me happy and we have on been dating for a short while. I want to focus on my relationship with Caitlin not my old relationship with Ruesha. World cup camp could be weird though, uhhhh, damn my life is hard.

Katie gets up and texts Caitlin a good morning and then gets showered, ready and eats breakfast ready for training at 1:50 pm. They are gonna have lunch at the complex so she has to be there by 11:50 and it is currently 10:45 so she downer have to leave till 10:55.


R: Katie, you are gonna have to find a different house to live in because that is my house and I do not want to share with you. I am selling the house because I want to be closer to Villa. If I sell it then you can also be closer to Arsenal.

K: When do you want me out by.

R: Preferably today.

K: Wow thanks, don't give me much notice.

R: Well, can u do it

K: I've got about 20 minutes before I leave so I can try. I'll text if I mange it.

R:Alright, if I find anything I can give it to Jordan at Villa.

K: Ye okay. Whatever.

Katies finishes texting Ruesha and then gets some boxes and starts to pack. She dosent have much there because Katies dosnet like having so much things.

She makes a normal chlothes box and then Arsenal kit box.
She makes a third box for random shit.
She bought the xbox and Nintendo so she takes them and then all the other things. She know she I'd gonna be a bit late to training but texts Kim what is happening. Kim says that is okay and for to get here and soon as she is done.

When Katie thinks she has finished packing she scopes the place over one more time and is sure that she has everything. After that she loads the 5 boxes into her car. It's a tight fit but she managed to get it all in.

Whilst driving to the colony she voice texts Ruesha saying she has everything packed up. Rue replies with okay and then Katie gets a call from Caitlin.

K: Hey caity, u okay
C: Ye I'm good, where are you, ur 10 minutes late
K: Ye, I'm gonna be about another 10 to 15 mins
C: Why u so late
K: Ruesha wanted the house back to sell
C: Shit, has she basically kicked u out
K: Basically, I think I'm gonna ask Beth and Viv if I can crash at there's till I get a apartment
C: I got a guest room, come live with me
K: U sure
C: I don't mind
K: That would help, and we are dating
C: Alright well see u in a bit
K: Ye bye babes
C: Bye Kitty Kat

Katie chuckles and then ends the call.
After 20 minutes she turns up to the complex. She is 30 minutes late but atleast Kim knows why she is later. They haven't started dinner yet  so that's fine. Lunch is 12:45 and it is 12:35 so she has 10 minutes till lunch starts.

Katie walks in and everyone is talking.

Beth: Hey Katie
Katie: Hey, sorry I'm late

Katie goes to sit next to Caitlin and kisses her so the whole squad know they are dating.
Caitlin kisses back and then the room bursts into cheers and clapping.

Kim: So when did this happen
Cait: Bout a week ago
Viv: I knew before u lot
Beth: And me
Laura: And me
Lia: And me
Lee: U knew and didn't tell me

Everyone laughs because Leah dosnet always get brought into the gossip.

Caif: Lee, I know ur secret aswell
Lee: U told her
Lia: Had too

Leah then kisses Lia and then room bursts into even more cheers.

Jen: Okay is anyone else dating someone on this team that we don't know about
Steph: Nah
Jen: Alright then
Viv: Bit quiter Livered

Everyone laughs and then .akes there way to the dinning room.

Slightly longer chapter today. Didn't know where to end it personally. Next chapter will be training and then the chapter after that will probably be Katie moving into Caitlins apartment. Hope u are all enjoying this book.

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