Team Day

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Katies Pov:
Today is the team day and I do not know if I am excited or not. I am gonna tell the girls that me and Rue have broken up and I am gonna gonna change my ring to single.

Katie gets dressed and then goes out to help Viv with breakfast.

Viv: Morning
Katie: Morning


Kim: Welcome you 4
K, V, B, L: Hey

The 4 go in and go off and talk to random people.

Beth: Hey, heard you got released today
Cait: Ye got out at 9, a hour earlier
Beth: Ah, have u been eating and drinking
Cait: Yes, dont worry

Beth nods and then Kim clears her throat so Katie can make a announcment.

Kim: Katie has a announcment
Kat: I just want to let you guys know that me and Ruehsa have broken up

Everyonw gasps but then starts to crowd round her.

After Katie has made the announcment, she starts drinking a lot.
After 14 drinks Beth and Cait have to pull her away.

Beth: U take her to the guest room and ill come find you both in a about 5
Cait: Alright

Cait leads them both to one of Kim's guest rooms.

Katie: Wa....g..a....g..
Cait: What

Katie moves around and she is taller than Cait so she quickly pins her to the wall and starts to devour her mouth.
Caitlin hasnt been kissed for ages so she kisses back.

Next thing they know someone is clearing there throat.
They both jump apart to see who had caught them.

Thank god it was only Kim.

Kim: I dont think this is the best idea you both have had, is it
Kat and Cait: No captain

Kim walks out and then Katie and Cait follow after and seperate

For the rest of the night they keep stealing glances and smirking at one another.

Steph: Why are you and Katie looking at eachother so much
Cait: We just had a heart to heart earlier

Steph nods and then Cait send Katie a text.

Cait: Want to come back to mine for a bit
Katie: Ye, shall we escape now
Cait: Ye, my car or ur's
Katie: Didn't drive so ur's
Cair: Alr, see you in a min
Katie: See you in a min

Katie puts her phone back, says bye to thr group she was talking too and meets Cait at the door.

Cait: Lets go
Kat: Lets

They both make their way to Caits car and Katie puts on some upbeat music.

Cait: Now this is my jam
Kat: Mine too

They jam to the songs the whole way back to Caits apartment. Jordan gave her, her old apartment when Cait and Lia broke up because Jordan wasn't using it since Jordan and Leah got back together and moved into Leahs house.

They both make their qay up the stairs and both are laughing when Cait can't get the door open.
Katie kisses Cait's neck and Cait finally manages to get the door open.

When they go into the apartment they are sloppy kissing and trying yo remoge eachothers chlothes.
They have both haf about 16 or 17 drinks so they are drunk as hell.
So drunk that Cait probably shouldn't of driven.

Kat: Fuck me Caitlin
Cait: My pleausre Katie

Caitlin leads them to her room, chucks Katiw onto the bed and gets to work.

Ooooh, what will happen now.

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