Chapter 5

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 Hudson had just pulled into the driveway of his childhood home. He had a lot of memories in this place. Though he spends more time working, he loved this house. 

 He gave a small smile as he unbuckled his seatbelt and got out of the car. He stood outside his car a moment, taking in everything. Hudson was a little confused as to why the lawn hadn't been mowed and the weeds hadn't been weed-wacked. He walked up to the door and knocked. It was soon opened by a pretty woman with chestnut brown hair. She smiled brightly when she saw him. 

 "Hudson!" she exclaimed, hugging him tightly. Hudson smiled and hugged her back. "It is so good to see you, son. We were going to call you, but I suppose now, we don't have to." 

 The two pulled away. Hudson noticed his mother looked liked she'd been crying. She looked tired. "Mom, I'm glad to see you too. But is everything ok..?" 

 The woman's smile fell. "Not exactly, honey..."

 "What's wrong....?" Hudson asked, not sure if her wanted to know. He was concerned and worried. 

 "Come inside. This is something that your dad and I both should tell you." Mrs. Judge opened the door wider, letting her son inside. After closing the door, she led him to the living room, where a man with gray hair sat on the couch. "Fredrick, Hudson's here," she told her husband. 

 The man turned and smiled, standing up quickly. "Hudson, my boy! It's so good to see you, son!" he exclaimed, hugging Hudson.

 Hudson gave a small smile. He was still worried, but he was glad to see his dad. "It's good to see you too, dad." 

 "Come sit down, you two. I'll get you something cold to drink." Mrs. Judge smiled. 

 "Alright, Betsy. Thank you," Mr. Judge smiled before sitting down, Hudson sitting beside him.

 After his mother had left the room, Hudson turned to his dad. "So, what's going on?" 

 "What do you mean, Hudson?" his dad asked him. 

 "Dad, mom looks like she's been crying, you both look tired, and even the lawn hasn't been mowed! You always mow the lawn and enjoy it. What is going on? Are you two having problems?" 

 "Of course not! I love your mother with every fiber of my being. And even if we were having problems, we'd talk them out and be back to normal in no time. But, as for what's going on......Let's wait for your mom, ok?" Mr. Judge sighed, looking at his son. Hudson frowned, but nodded.

 It wasn't long before Mrs. Judge walked in the room, carrying a tray of three iced teas and a plate of chocolate chip cookies. "Your favorite," Mrs. Hudson smiled as she saw her son gazing at the cookies. Hudson had stood up to help his mother with the tray. "I baked them just yesterday. I was hoping you'd come home soon."

 "I'm glad I did. If I get chocolate chip cookies and a hug from both my parents every time I come visit, I'll come more often!" Hudson declared, setting the tray down on the coffee table.

 "Well, I'd be happy to give you a hug and your cookies whenever you come, honey," Mrs. Judge chuckled. 

 "As will I....." Mr. Judge said quietly. Hudson noticed there was something about the way he said it. As if...he wasn't going to be around. He frowned. "Betsy, honey, I think it's time we tell our son what's going on...."

 Mrs. Judge's smile fell. She nodded slowly. She looked sad. "Ok, dear.." 

 "Mom, dad, what's going on...?" Hudson asked hesitantly. 

 "Have a seat, Hudson." his dad told him. He did as he was told. 

 Hudson looked from his mom, to his dad. Both looked serious. His mother had a sad look. She looked as if she may cry. 

 "Hudson, we went to the doctor the other day and I got some tests done." Mr. Judge began. Hudson nodded slowly as his mother continued. 

 "Well, they came back yesterday. The doctor himself called us and told us the results. He's not sure how this happened, but, it's true, unfortunately..."

 "Mom, dad, what are you talking about...? What's going on...?" Hudson asked, a little scared for their answer. 

 "Hudson, I have cancer." Hudson stared at his father, wide-eyed. He was speechless. "He says that it is unfortunately too advanced to save me. He said I have six months." Hudson couldn't believe what he was hearing. His father was going to die....? He wanted to cry, but he couldn't. The young man sat there in shock.

 "That's one reason why we were going to call you....We wanted to tell you as soon as possible..." Mrs. Judge spoke softly. 

 "I-I don't understand....H-how...?" Hudson asked, his voice cracking. 

 "We don't know. The doctor triple-checked those tests. But every one read the same thing. Positive..."

 "It's not fair!" Hudson exclaimed, anger rising in his chest. He wasn't mad at anyone in particular, but he was mad just the same. "You're a were-wolf! You shouldn't be dealing with this!"

 "Hudson, calm down," his mother stood up and tried to put her hands on his shoulders, but he pushed her away.

 "No! I won't calm down! I can't calm down! How are you so calm!? Mom, you're losing your mate! Dad, you won't be here anymore! Your dying! Ugh!" with that, he ran out of the room. He opened the door and went outside, slamming the door shut.

 His parents looked at each other sadly. "I'll go talk to him." Mr. Judge said, standing up. "Don't worry, my love. Everything will be alright." His mate nodded, tears rolling down her cheeks. "Oh, Betsy, don't cry...." Mr. Judge wiped her tears away with his thumb and hugged her.

 "I can't help it, Fredrick! We'll miss you so much..." 

 "As will I...I love you both so very much..." he whispered into her ear.

 "I love you too, my handsome mate..." she whispered back.

 Hudson was sitting on a crate beside the house, his head in his hands, crying. All his life, he'd had his dad by his side. He thought he would be there when he got married...And when he had children...But now, he wouldn't....And it hurt him more than words can describe.

 Mr. Judge came out of the house and walked over to his son. He pulled up a crate and sat beside him. "Y'know, I always loved this time of day. Evening. Watching the sunset. That's when I met your mother, marked her, proposed, when we got married, and, when you were born." the man chuckled a little before coughing. "I don't know many people who can say all the important things in their lives happened at their favorite time of day."

  He sighed heavily, looking at the horizon before him. He looked over at Hudson. "Hudson, look at me, boy." Hudson looked at him, his face stained with tears. "I know you're upset about this. Your mother and I are to.-" 

 "How can you be?! Your so calm it's like you don't care!" Hudson exclaimed.

 "I do care. And so does your mother. Son, I've lived a good life. I became a warrior, I met my mate, we married, and had a wonderful son, who is now a warrior. I am happy and I am satisfied. I'm ready to go."

 "But you didn't get to meet Grace....Y-you won't see me get married....You won't meet your grandchild...."

 "Who's Grace?" Mr. Judge raised an eyebrow curiously.

 "She's my mate..."

 "That's wonderful, Hudson! Congratulations! When did you meet her?"

 "I met her yesterday when I went with Mark to his mate, Danielle's house. Grace is Danielle's best friend and roommate." Hudson explained quietly.

 "I'm excited to meet her and find out what she's like." his father smiled. He put his hand on his son's shoulder. "Son, I know I don't have a lot of time. I know I may not be here to see you get married. I know I won't get to hold my grandchild. But, I have accomplished a lot in my life and I'm happy. I've lived a good and blessed life. Some people don't get to see their children grow up and meet their child's mate. Some don't get to find their mate. Some, they don't get to grow up and have a career. I did all those things." he then chuckled a little. "Well, almost. I'll meet your mate as soon as you bring her over here."

 "But dad, I don't know if I want to accept her."

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