September 6, 2023

151 13 47

Ranboo woke up.

It was 7:00 AM.

It's a bit late, but he's still going to school since he promised Charlie he'd go to school today.

Ranboo rolled on the floor to their closet.

Band t-shirt, random blue cropped jacket, black mask, headphones, and baggy black jeans.

It was good enough.

Ranboo went downstairs, seeing the sight of their siblings.

They ate their bacon, did the rest of their routine, and they were ready to leave.


They saw the bucket filled with water.

"Idiots.." Ranboo said under their breath.

But thank God Tiffany was going with them.

It was supposed to be so she could record their reaction, but Ranboo had something else in store.

"Alright! Bye, guys!" Tiffany said, getting closer to the door.

Ranboo opened the door, seeing the water pour down.

In a swift movement, he quickly grabbed Tiffany when she was recording and put her under the water bucket.

Her phone was also not waterproof.

It's whatever.

Tiffany let out a shrill scream when the water was dumped on her.

Ranboo and Charlie laughed.

"Thanks, Charlie!" Ranboo said with a smile.

Charlie was the one who gave Ranboo the idea of doing this.

"You're welcome, kid! Oh, and, Tiffany. You can stay home today because of your.. Situation." Charlie replied, gesturing to the dripping Tiffany.

Tiffany scoffed, running up the stairs as Ranboo stepped over the puddle, leaving the house.

That sure was.. Something.

Ranboo glanced at the time.

7:58, perfec-


Ranboo quickly picked up the pace, running when the light turned green until they made it to home room panting.

"Sorry I'm late!" Ranboo said as soon as he pushed open the metal door.

"Ah! Ranboo! Welcome back, sweetie. Take a seat." The teacher said before Ranboo took a seat in their usual spot.

Ranboo felt eyes state at them.

Charlie told the office Ranboo was sick.

But everyone knows that's just bullshit.

Ranboo rolled their eyes as they saw Jared stare at them.


The person next to them proceeded to pass them a note.

Ranboo didn't care about this person.

The person probably didn't care about them either.

Ranboo opened the note, seeing familiar handwriting.

'Where were you? -Bill'

Ranboo smiled at how much their friend cared.

'Home, didn't wanna go to school.'

Ranboo knew Aimsey wouldn't tell a single soul since she knew it was urgent if Ranboo just walked out like that.

'We're just glad you're back :) -Aimsey & Guqqie'

Ranboo kept their smile as they shoved the paper in their pocket.


Ranboo was scared for biology.

That was their next period.

Right now was 6th period.

And that means in half an hour, they would have to sit next to the guy they think they like.

Right now, it's not the best option.

Ranboo did have their phone..

Maybe they can..



They can't sit next to the guy that's scared for them.

They literally sat in the canteen to avoid Tommy.

That was really the only option, wasn't it..?

Thank God Ranboo sits in between Bill and Guqqie so they wouldn't get sent to detention.

Charlie 🦅

I don't wanna be here
Can you call the office?

Ranboo, you can't skip school just because you don't wanna be here

I'm literally in a crisis rn

What type?



So you gonna call them or?

Yeah, hold on

A few minutes later, the teacher got a call.

"Ranboo, you're leaving for the day."

Thank God.

Ranboo quickly got their stuff and left.

Ranboo saw Charlie's car parked outside the school, immideatly entering it.

"Matthew isn't here." Charlie told the other as he drove away.

"Thank god." Ranboo sighed.

"But Tiffany is."

"Call the cops. Just not Matthew."

Just shut up and kiss me~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang