August 25, 2023

159 12 47

"Dear diary, August 25, 2023."

'Charlie brought me to the mall yesterday! We went to some of my favorite places! I'm starting to trust Charlie more than Tiffany and Matthew :)'

Ranboo looked at the bags in the corner of their room as they put their journal back to it's hiding spot.

Everything Charlie had bought for them yesterday.

It was a couple of sets of clothes, some beanies, and they also went to the arcade and Ranboo's favorite restaurant.

It was a great distraction.

They were gone until 3 PM.

Charlie is an amazing person.

At least, that's what Ranboo hopes.

Ranboo went downstairs, seeing no one there.

It's whatever.

They probably already left.

Charlie did say that he had to get the car fixed.

Matthew probably went to work.

And Tiffany is probably at school or something.

Ranboo sat down at the table, seeing a plate of bacon and eggs sitting before them.

Ranboo took a bite.

"Oh.. It's cold.." They said under their breath, pushing away the plate.

They weren't that hungry anyway.

Ranboo decided to find an outfit.

Jared's black sweater- Oh- Not Jared's sweater.. Defiently not Jared's sweater.. jeans, and an extra sweater, defiently not planning on throwing Jared's sweater in his face and kicking him in the balls-

Ok, maybe I'm getting into too much detail..

Ranboo did the rest of their routine before leaving again.

"Hey!" Ranboo turned to see the golden retriever boy right next to them.

They smiled softly under the mask.

"Hi!" They returned.

"So, why weren't you at school yesterday? Like- at all? Usually, you would come by at like- 5th period." Tommy asked as the 2 waited paitently for the red light to turn green.

"I woke up late, I didn't really feel like coming to school." Ranboo shrugged.

Technically, it wasn't a lie..

"It's a good thing you're here now, then!"

Ranboo stared at Tommy confusingly.

"Oh- sorry- I- Uhm.. I didn't mean it in a creepy way.." Tommy said awkwardly.

Ranboo chuckled.

"It's alright, thanks for wanting to know why I wasn't there in the first place.."

Tommy smiled in return.

The light flashed green, making the 2 walk.

"So.. I head about Jared. Are you ok? The word got out. No one is talking about anything else."

Of course.

Ranboo forgot that drama spreads like wildfire at SMP high.

"Yeah, we were only going out for a week after all." Ranboo said truthfully.

Honestly, it didn't affect them like people think it has.

They're just a little sad since they thought they could trust Jared.

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