Chapter ~3

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"How am I supposed to do that?" I asked. "Those children totally hate me. How do you expect me to go  ask them about Rachel?"
"Well, you have to be nice to them," Olivia shrugged. "Just make sure you are nice to them from now on, that's all."
"God! That'll take ages. Do you expect me to be nice to those kids? Those annoying brats? I can't do that. I can't stoop to their level."
"Well then, unless you kill your pride, there'll be no way we'll get anything from them, not at all. And that'll be bad for your next update."
"Shit," I sighed in exasperation. "There's no other freaking way to get stuff about Rachel's death?"
"Nope, not until you get some info from her classmates."
"Then I'm fucked. Really fucked."
Olivia gave out a sigh. With her hands akimbo, she said, "You know, you'll have to post next Monday?"
"Okay, fine. I'll try my best," I said with a frown on my face.


I kept anticipating how the next day was going to be, how I was going to confront a class full of  disrespect junior students. I knew it wasn't going to be easy at all. First off, I hated them  and I knew they hated me as well. But the next day wasn't that different from yesterday.
I didn't speak to Ola, but I spoke with Becca and Ella. The were all over me on what happened yesterday, but I didn't disclose the fact that me and Ola weren't talking.
With Rachel's case at the back of my mind, I didn't stay for the next class after English language, instead, I lied to them that I was on my period and I needed to see the nurse for some pills. Then I snuck out to the second floor where the Junior classes were situated at.

I took a deep breath and walked down to the second floor. My heart was beating so fast as I approached the jss3 class. I didn't know why I felt nervous confronting a group of annoying juniors, maybe it was the fact that they dreaded me and walked straight into their class acting all friendly with them would be completely hypocritical.
I inhaled deeply, trying to get my sassy persona back on. Adjusting my skirt and smoothing my air, I walked right into their class. It seemed like they were on a free period because there was no teacher in their class.
Immediately they saw me, all of them stood up to greet me as in a typical Nigerian school.
I gave them a fake smile. As I approached further into their class. The students had a terrified look placed on their faces, I wouldn't blame them for that. An entrance of a senior into a junior class meant doom for the junior students, especially if the junior students had violated any rule against the seniors, plus I was the head girl of CHHS; I could do anything to them. But I wasn't going to toture them yet like I always did. I was just going to ask them a few questions about their late classmate.
"Sit down, guys," I said to them, the false smile still placed on my face. They all sat down in unison.
I didn't have an idea of how I would be nice to them or approach them even for a minute. I just had to keep my tone and facial expression cool and calm.
What was I going to say now? I didn't want to make a fool of myself so i said, "you guys don't have to worry. I'm not here for any form of discipline."
As I said that, their shoulders fell and the terrified looks on their faces faltered.
"I just want to ask some few questions about, uh....your classmate—Rachel. It's just—she was my school daughter and I'm really broken that she's—she's no more," I lied.  They all looked shocked at what I just said, who was I kidding?
I paused.
Everyone went quiet.
Breaking the silence, I spoke again.
"Do any of you guys know, by any means where she lives?"
"No," one of the students said, somewhat rudely. She was tall, probably the tallest girl and she looked older than any of them. I couldn't remember seeing her before,  maybe she was never in my blacklist.
"What?" I said, shock evident on my face. I couldn't believe a junior students would snap at me that way, not in front of other juniors...and to think I couldn't do anything about it?
"No," the girl said again. "We don't know her house.
I gave a wry chuckle.
"But she's your classmate, right? There's no way you wouldn't know her house."
"Well, we've never been there before. She didn't tell us where she lived," another girl who spoke rather timidly, said.
"Oh, I–I get it. I just wanted to greet her parents. Have a nice day guys."
Why was I stuttering?
I backed off from the class and went back to mine.
I felt hurt that I let a junior get away with snapping at me, but I felt more hurt that I didn't get any information from Rachel's classmates. What was I going to do now? If I don't get that information, I'll be doomed. I wouldn't have anything to post before the week ends and my followers would definitely reduce.


Hey guys, what do you suggest Nnenna should do?
Let me know on the comment session. Love you ❤️
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