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'Hi, guys. I'm sorry I haven't posted any new stuff lately, I was having some sort of emotional breakdown. I needed to take a rest for my mental health, but I'm back now, better than ever.
You know I said the real story about that pastor's daughter who was caught sleeping with her cousin and some rich ass old man, was going to be the hottest story ever, right? Well, I have something new, more better and interesting than that, trust me, it's hot.
A junior student was  found dead, last week, at the back of Crescent Hills High School, CHHS, in the incinerator—sick, right?
It's kinda mysterious, isn't it. But the question is, who killed her?
Well, I'll be letting you guys know on the next episode of THE TRUTH, next week.  Keep on following @Nnennalovepeterson for more details of this story. Love y'all.'
This was some catchy news everyone was eager to hear. I had even gotten a few more followers by posting this story on all my social media platforms, most especially Twitter.
Most young people wanted something  so catchy; interesting yet mysterious. They all wanted  to hear something that would catch their attention, something that would keep them on their toes.
I had lots of  people sending me messages, asking for the full story of the girl that died. With every minute that passed, my phone continued to ding and ping. People were requesting that they should be the first to hear it when the full story came out. I got tired of reading the  messages, it was so draining and tiring.
This was what I was talking about when I said I had to go on a break for my mental health. Posting  people's stories on social media wasn't as easy as it seemed.
The last story I had posted about the pastor's daughter, who was actually my very own classmate, gave me an emotional breakdown. I was actually planning to ruin Damilola's life and make her regret she had ever crossed my lane. I was planning to expose her for what she really was—a whore. I did, though. I ruined her life. Her parents were ashamed and couldn't believe their 'holy Mary' daughter was not who they thought she was. She wasn't so holy at all, in fact, she was the devil herself.
Because of what I did to  her, Damilola couldn't resume back at school anymore. Her parents took her to a Christian, all–girls boarding school, to either cover their shame or try to tame their wild daughter, I didn't know. That was the last we ever heard of her again, but that's the story for another day.
Cresent Hills High School was shut down for a whole week because of the death of a junior student. Tight security was placed all over the school to stop anyone from coming into or going out of the school premises. 
It was really sad that the school was shut down for a week. I had to stay at home all through without leaving the house for a moment.
Parents were scared. They didn't want their kids hanging around outside now that there was a murder case on ground. Mom was part of those parents. She wouldn't even let me go over to my friends' house just for a second. I hated the way mom was so over protective of me. She always treated me like a child even though I wasn't, anymore. I had grown up now. I could make decisions for myself but mom—she was just annoying. 
As I stepped into the school compound on monday morning after spending a week away from school, I saw a lot of men in black parading the school. These men were armed with guns and each wore a hard, serious look on their faces. They seemed so harsh and they were definitely not men to cross.
My two best friends were standing over there, next to their lockers which was next to mine, in the hall way, laughing about something.
"How far?" I asked as I went over there to meet them.
"Hey, baby" Rebecca said, in between laughs. She hugged me tightly, so did Ella. "You came late today, why?"
"I was doing my usuals. Why are you guys laughing?"
"You won't believe it. It's Kemi. Can you believe she's been begging Kelvin to date her?" Ella asked. "That's so embarrassing. Like, why beg a guy for love?"
"Yeah, I know about that. I noticed it," I said, looking at the locker at the far end of the hallway. Kemi was standing there, rummaging through her bag, looking for God knows what.
I actually knew about her stalking Kelvin and following him around. I noticed it  three weeks earlier, but I didn't care to post. For some reason, I didn't find this particular one interesting. I didn't see the need to tell it to the whole world. It wasn't that I liked the girl or anything, I just felt I shouldn't post it and tell everyone that she had been bugging Kelvin to date her. It was just so unimportant and silly—the confidence, though.
"Why haven't you posted it yet? It's fucking steamy," Rebecca said, throwing side looks at Kemi who was still rummaging through her bag.
"Because I have something much more important and interesting than that. I wouldn't waste my time posting about Kemi."
"What's it?" Ella asked. She opened her locker and took her English text book, closing it back after putting the text book in her bag. She checked the time on her watch, it was still early for classes to start.a
"That junior student, Rachel. It's much more important than those silly stuffs that's happening around this school."
"Who would want to read about the death of a student when there are lots of  things more spicy  and interesting?" Ella asked.
"Trust me, a lot of people. I've even gotten more followers today,  just because I posted it yesterday. Haven't you seen it?"
"My phone got stolen, last week, at the club," Rebecca said.
"How?" Ella asked.
"I don't know."
"So your mom let you out last week? I can't believe it," I said, surprised. Rebecca's mother let her go out last week and my mom wouldn't even let me step out of the gate? How brutal?
At this point, I hated my mom more. I hated the way she treated me—like a baby. I wished my mom was just like Rebecca's, I would have loved it. I needed someone who would let me do what I want,  someone who would give me the liberty I was looking for. I needed freedom.
Mom was just a boring person—a vibe killer. All she loved to do was work, work and work, no fun. She couldn't even rest a day from work to have fun or something, she was just boring.
Through out last week, I had been inside my room, like a prisoner, doing nothing and just looking at my phone. None of my friends were online, even my boyfriend, Ola. It felt really bad, like I was in hell. What even made the week worse was my stupid nanny who wouldn't stop asking how I was.
I'm not a fucking baby.
"Didn't you go out?" Ella asked me.
"No, I didn't. Mom was scared—the junior's death and all.
"Yeah, even my mom, but. . .that didn't  give her enough reason not  to let me go out," Rebecca said.
"But if she knew you were at a club, she wouldn't have let you out, would she?" Ella asked, smirking at Rebecca.
"Well, there's no way she would know I was at the club. I was at your house—that's all she knows."
"Babe!" I heard my boyfriend call out. He too was standing by his locker. He was late, obviously. I noticed most students that were in school today, came late.  Half of the population of the students weren't  in school today. Their parents might have held them or told them  not to come to school for safety reasons. Mom would have done that, too, but good thing she didn't.
"See you, girls," I said and went over to Ola.
They took their bags and went of to the class.
It's kind of crazy, but I and my friends haven't been spending much time together anymore. I was too invested in my relationship with Ola that  I sometimes miss our usual  Friday night sleep over.
But I make it up to them. Yes, I do!
"So, why didn't you call me or text me last week?" I asked my boyfriend who looked a little bit drained and tired. He gave me a tired look and then slammed his locker.
"I'm sorry. I just—some stuffs came up at home."
"Stuffs like what?" I asked, giving him a suspicious look.
He looked at me and sighed.
"I don't want to talk  about it.'
"What do you mean by you don't want to talk about it. I'm your girlfriend, I need to know."
Ola scoffs.
"I said I don't want to talk about it, okay."
"Are you hiding something from me, Ola? Because I don't really understand why you don't want to tell me what happened."
"I'm not hiding anything from you, Nnenna, okay? This is just personal and I—"
"You don't think I should know about it, right?" I said, cutting him off. "I'm not to be trusted, am I?"
"I didn't say anything like that, Nnenna."
"But you meant to say it  didn't you?"
"No, I didn't."
"Well, it's fine," I said with a false smile. "But don't forget to tell the new girl you're seeing about your personal stuff, the one I'm not supposed to know about."
I gave him the middle finger and walked out of him.
I was so annoyed and pissed;I could strangle anyone.
I felt like Ola was seeing another girl, that explains him ghosting me throughout last week, if not, why would he be trying to hide stuffs from me? We said no secrets, didn't we?


Hey, guys.

How do you feel about my story?  I hope you would like it. I just hope you vote and comment 🙏
How do you feel about Nnenna and her  friends?

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