AUgust day 8: Robots and Androids [Hermitcraft]

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Today is August 8th, and that means today's prompt is Robots and Androids!

This is a Hermitcraft fan fiction.

TW: slavery

This a short writing, and a poem.


Grian never breathed. He never had to. Grian never grew. He never had to. Grian never had a heart, only complex circuitry. Controlled by his master, Mumbo. Servant, builder, slave. What a pitiful existence. His mind is not his own. His body is not his own. His work is not his own.

Mind of circuits

Body of wires

Work until

The machinery tires

Mind of circuits

Body of wires

He is alive?

It's a quagmire

Mind of circuits

Body of wires

He tries to escape

But he gets trapped by tripwires


I love writing poems :)

- Lex

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