AUgust day 2: Immortal [Hermitcraft]

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Today is August 2nd, and that means today's prompt is immortal!

This is a Hermitcraft(?)  fan fiction. This will exclusively include Grian.

Kind of short, but still good.

TW: Mention of death

Word count: 260


Grian looked down upon the dying world. The admin was panicking, people were attempting to get out. Some were succeeding, but others were struggling to get to a portal. It may have looked like a huge thing to someone else, but to Grian, it didn't matter. It was a small speck in the grand scheme of things. He remembered when his server collapsed, centuries ago. The code crumbling as he fell into the void. Some people may have gotten out, others not. He doesn't care. The memories were so far in the past, he barely remembered them.

Immortality. He chuckled. Such a funny thing. A curse in disguise, a blessing in disguise. Centuries of knowledge, god-like, ever-watching, alone.

He continued to study the world. It seemed to be of a good size and the admin looked to be skilled. Grian wondered what had happened. He pushed the thought aside. It didn't matter. It didn't matter that the world was being destroyed.

It doesn't even matter that the server even existed in the first place, because soon it's going to be gone. All physical evidence of it's existence will be gone, and in a century or two, all record of it will be gone, other than it's name mentioned once in a history book gathering dust.

Grian marveled as the world slowly crumbled. The cycle of life, a beautiful thing that he will never experience.

Birth, life, death, decomposition, birth, and so on.

He badly wished that he could be part of it, but yet, Grian Xelqua Dreamslayer will never die.


Number 1 tip for dramatic (cliche) ending: *insert full name* *insert dramatic statement*

Soooooo, day 2! I'm having a lot of fun so far :)

My family and I are currently on a packed train, sitting on the floor, in a hallway (of the train) and I am folding myself into a pretzel whenever someone wants to get through. Help me. I just want to get to my next hotel.

And to make matters worse, as soon as I decide I'm ready to publish, the train goes through a ridiculously long tunnel and now I don't have signal until we pass!


3,254 hours later...

I published it! Have a good day!

- Lex

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