(Chapter 6) Brewing night terrors

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   "Boss, the fugitives were found." Said a guy in a dark room. A voice answered back, "Good. This will show them exactly how outclassed they are." The man stood up and exited the darkness. The man said, "Get the car ready. We have kids to hunt." The man nodded and exited the room in a hurry. The one man left in the room smiled as a black aura surrounded him. "You brats had better be ready to suffer the consequences of your actions. You should have stayed in that lab."

   Meanwhile where Lawson and Kamui were, it was morning when the two walked into the abandoned building. Lawson said, "Wake up! Dusty!!" He banged on the door. Tim grabbed Lawson arm and said, "Shut it will you? He's trying to sleep. Dusty said from within his room, "It's okay Tim, I've been awake for a while actually." Dusty opened the door and said, "What is it Lawson?" Lawson said with Excitement, "Spar me!" Dusty said as he rubbed his eye, "Huh? You want me to practice fighting with you?" Lawson said, "Yah!" Tim looked at Kamui and said, "You lit a fire under him didn't you?" Kamui shrugged and said with a sly smile, "I have no idea what you're talking about."

   Lawson grabbed Dusty's arm and ran through the halls till they left the building. Madilyn walked out and said, "Lawson, Dusty, come with me. We are not going to fight each other. We need to go into the city and get supplies." Lawson said, "What!?! Come on!!" Madilyn said, "After that you may spar to your heart's content." Lawson said, "Fine!" Lawson, Dusty and Madilyn made their way to a lively city. This city was a different one from the one Lawson and Kamui got kicked out of. Lawson looked around at all the amazing displays of power. Lawson yelled, "Anyone! Fight me!!" Madilyn said, "Do you ever quit?" Lawson said, "How could I? There are so many cool abilities here! I'm not passing this chance up."

   Everyone looked at Lawson and then ignored him. Lawson got annoyed and said, "I'm not some lowly E rank fighter!!" Dusty held Lawson back and said, "It's best we don't drive too much attention to ourselves. Just then a man said, "I'll fight you boy." The man had a business suit and said, "Oh did I say I was going to? I'm sorry I meant us." He was then joined by other men in business suits from a crowd of people. Lawson smiled and said, "Oh! You're all gonna fight at once? Fine then! Bring it!!" Dusty said, "Lawson stop! You're gonna get yourself killed! At least let us help." Lawson didn't seem to hear him as a golden aura of mist formed around him.

   Lawson's eyes started to glow gold and Dusty's started to have a glitched look to them. Madilyn said, "When we survive this, remind me to pound Lawson's head in." Dusty said, "Don't worry, we both will." Lawson said as golden veins of power coral led through his body. Dusty thought to himself, "Didn't he hate a red cloak last time he fought?" As Lawson charged the red cloak flapped in the wind as it unfolded itself from Lawson's nape. The cloak was translucent and mist-like. Dusty said, "Come on let's go!" Dusty and Madilyn followed Lawson's lead. Lawson had a semitransparent ted hood covering his eyes as he landed a punch.

   Lawson paused as his punch landed. In his mind he thought, "Something's off... why haven't they moved?" Lawson looked around and saw Dusty and Madilyn were gone. "What the?" Lawson said as he looked around. A voice echoed in his mind, "You fool. You feel right into my trap. You didn't know, but my power allows me to put people in a dream-like state as long as they make contact with me. Right now you are face first in the dirt. And your friends are trying to fend off the others. However it looks like they are struggling. Shame you can't help." Lawson said, "Damnit!" He looked around for a way out. However, he came up short.

   He could hear the struggles of Dusty and Madilyn in his mind but he couldn't see them. Lawson sat down and tried to think. "How do I escape?" He thought as he heard Dusty say, "Lawson! Wake up! Come on! You have to help us!" Madilyn said, "Tch! There's too many! Dusty!" The genuine fear in Madilyn's voice reminded Lawson of the frightened girl he saved. Lawson's eyes flashed gold and with new found determination he opened his eyes in reality. Lawson's body felt like it was heavier than a car. Lawson struggled to push himself up. The man laughed as he watched Dusty and Madilyn get over powered.

   "Haaa!!!!!" He heard from the man's left and his left cheek met Lawson's fist. The man flew into the base of a nearby building. Lawson said, "I will save them all!!" Lawson jumped in and helped Dusty. Lawson formed a Scythe and said, "I know how strong Madilyn is, she's just playing defensive. However, I don't know." Dusty tapped Lawson's shoulder and said, "Don't worry, I was more so worried about you. Now that you're back, let's defeat these fools." Lawson pointed the top of his scythe at one of his enemies and said, "Who wants some?" Lawson said, "Dusty, you take half I take half?" Just then Kamui said, "No need. Jump." Lawson looked back and saw Kamui behind them with a punch wound up. Lawson and Dusty both used their power to jump high into the air.

   As Kamui thrusted his fist forward a massive shockwave blasted most of the street apart. Lawson landed and said, "What the hell was that!?!?" Kamui said, "That was a display of about 50% of my stored up force." Dusty said, "I see, you can absorb impacts from your forcefield and store that force in your core for forever, you can also use that force to increase the amount of damage your attacks do. Fascinating." Lawson said, "Whoa!! That's an amazing power!!" Kamui stood proud. Dusty said, "Guys, we shouldn't celebrate too soon." Lawson looked to where Dusty was looking and he saw one guy left. The guy said, "You are all fools. He is going to kill each and every one of you." Kamui said, "Who?" the man laughed and said, "Your worst nightmare!" just then streams energy gathered in front of the man. Kamui jumped in front of the group. Just then the man said, "Oh? How heroic! However it doesn't matter, my energy beams can vaporize anything!!! Even if you block it, it'll burn through you and still kill the ones behind you!!!"

   Kamui said with a nervous sweat, "Don't worry, I'll be fine. You all get to safety." Dusty and Madilyn both ran into a nearby alleyway and Lawson said, "I can't leave you." Kamui said, "Leave , kid, I'll be fine." Lawson said, "You better come back alive." Lawson then dashed towards the alley way. The man said, "What a hero. Too bad your life will be cut short!!!" Just then the energy beam fired forward, vaporizing the sides of buildings and the road. As the beam slowly flew forward Kamui activated his shield. The beam slammed into the shield and Kamui's core started to gather the impact. Kamui said, "This couldn't have been a worse matchup for me. My core has a set limit of force it can absorb at a single time. His beam will eventually overpower my core. And when that happens... I'll just have to end this as soon as possible!!!" Kamui started to walk forward slowly, which started to push the beam back. The beam started to fold around Kamui's shield and Kamui said as he struggled to walk, "Shit, I'm almost at my limit. Please hold on a little bit longer." Kamui felt his core crack slightly and he grunted in pain, but he still pushed forward.

   Kamui thought to himself, "This is bad. I can't keep this up. How can I get out of this alive?" just then an image flashed in his mind. It was of Lawson, Dusty, Tim, and Madilyn all standing together triumphantly. Kamui chuckled and said, "How could I have been so blind? I see it now. They are our future, what happens to me is trivial. That means I can finally cut loose without having to worry." Just as the beam ended, Kamui's core had a massive crack down its middle. Kamui looked the guy in the eyes and said, "It seems, even with all that power, you still fell short." Kamui flicked the guy's forehead and with a massive outburst of force the man flew into a building, knocked out. Just as Kamui's massive outburst of force happened a huge explosion erupted where the team was.

(End of Tre Eclipse part 6)

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