(Chapter 5) Rise of a, Not-so-valiant, Hero

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   Later that night Lawson was standing on the flat roof of the building. Kamui walked up the stairs and held a cigarette with a lighter in his hands. Kamui opened up the door leading to the roof and said, "The night sky is always so beautiful huh?" Lawson just leaned over the railing and said, "I guess you could say that..." Kamui offered a cigarette silently and Lawson shook his head. Kamui shrugged and said, "So kid, what's on your mind?" Lawson sighed and said, "Everything, my mother mostly. But also what happened when I was kidnapped and blacked out. I couldn't stop thinking of Dusty's face when I was about to kill him, I couldn't control myself."

   Kamui said, "Look kid, Stuff happens, and you gotta accept it, what happened in the past is in the past, you can't change that so might as well make up for it in the future." There was a long silence before Kamui said, "Come on kid, I got something I need to show you. Come on ya big bum." Lawson sighed and followed Kamui. As they quietly walked out the front doors Kamui said, "Kid, have you ever heard of a gang around these parts?" Lawson said, "No, but it wouldn't surprise me if there was one." Kamui said, "Huh, well if there was one it'd be a nightmare." Lawson said, "Yah... I guess you could say that..." he said, "Anyway kid, there's still a whole heck of a lot of bad people here so let's try and snuff them out what do ya say? Make it easier for the townspeople?"

   Lawson said, "Why do we need to make anything easy for those people? To me all they are are people who get in the way and annoy me." Kamui smiled and said, "Kid, even if they are annoying it'd still be nice to treat them with some compassion. Maybe then you'll find a nice life, who knows, treat the right person good someday and maybe they'll become your girlfriend." Lawson just scoffed at this and noticed a group of people walking in the middle of the street. Lawson put his hood up and put his mask on saying, "Those the bad guys you were talking about?" And Kamui said in a more serious tone, "Yes." Lawson smiled under his mask and said, "Good, I've been needing to knock some heads together." Lawson formed one handed scythes in each of his hands, Kamui crossed his arms, forming an red translucent barrier.

   Lawson charged in head first and Kamui just shook his head. "Listen Lawson, if you want to be a better fighter you need to learn more than just blocking and attacking." Lawson stopped and looked at Kamui in confusion. Kamui let down his force field and said, "Countering is a wonderful way to fight, and it will expend less energy." Right as he said this in one swift motion he grabbed a dude's arm that was about to punch him and moved it aside, in less than a second he put his palm on his opponent's chin and forced his head back. Kamui then pushed in an arc-like motion and slammed his opponent to the ground. He said holding the guy down, "That move can easily be a knockout blow with enough force behind it." He then flicked the guy's head and knocked him out. Kamui said, "Now is a good time to practice."

   Lawson, after a few failed attempts, managed to successfully counter one time. Kamui said, knocking out another guy, "Not bad, you're a quick learner." Lawson got up and realized that the last two guys were running to the city. Kamui said, "This situation has gotten more dire, if they make it to the city they could get civilians killed. We must stop them." Lawson said, "Yah..." Kamui said, "Look kid, if these people die their blood would be on your hand!" Lawson said, "Yah. I know." Kamui said, "How do you think your friends or family would feel if they knew you got people killed." Lawson stopped and realized that his mom would be horrified if he continued to live the way he was.

   He started to sprint to the dudes who just now reached the city. He tackled one and kneed the back of the dude's head, effectively knocking him out and as he looked up he saw the other one holding a girl. Lawson slowly stood up and noticed Kamui was nowhere in sight. Lawson said, "let her go. And you won't get hurt." He stayed silent and backed up. Elsewhere Kamui had just arrived on the top of a building. He looked down and saw Lawson pushing the guy back by slowly walking forward. Lawson said, "Come on man, let her go." Lawson stopped at the foot of the building Kamui was perched at.

   Kamui stood up straight and leaned forward until eventually he fell off the building. Kamui started to fall as wind rushed by him and he aimed for the guy holding the girl. Lawson slowly walked forward and reached out to the girl who was being held captive. He said, "Hey, shh, what's your name?" She said with her voice shaking, "E-Emily." Lawson said, "Listen, I'll save you and get you home, I promise." Lawson saw the fear in her eyes and he started to feel the need to save her. He didn't know why but he needed to save her. He then noticed Kamui falling right above them and said, "Listen, Emm. Run to me in 3...2...1...NOW!" As soon as Lawson said 'now!' Kamui landed on the thug and Emily started to run to Lawson. Lawson was nearly tackled.

   He said blushing slightly, "It's okay, you're safe now." Just then the cops came by and arrested the thugs, a couple more arrested the others at the outskirts of the city. One of the cops said, "you kids just helped us take down and figure out where this gang's base is. We thank you, but you are also a danger for these civilians. You are permitted to leave this city. Now." Emily started to say, "No you got it all wrong!" But the cops wouldn't listen to her. Her mom ran to her and it looked like she was talking to Emily, who then said something back and pointed.

   Lawson flipped up his hood and said, "Whatever. Come on Kamui." Kamui smiled and shrugged, "If you say so." The cops escorted them out and Lawson looked back at Emily. Emily noticed his eyes were red and his distinct outfit. She smiled and looked back at her mom. Lawson kicked a rock and said, "S'not fair. How can we get kicked out like that?" Kamui said, "It's okay, let's stay calm. We can just make our way back home and tell everyone what you learned, and all hope isn't lost, we can take out crime in the city during other nights as well." Lawson said, "Yeah you're right! But we'll have to sneak past the border. But that shouldn't be too hard, I can't wait, I want to show Dusty what I've learned as well!" Kamui just chuckled and said, "Alright let's get going then huh?" The two started running back to their base still in the dead of night.

(End of True Eclipse part 5)

True eclipse (Book 1)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant