(Chapter 3) A reapers awakening

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   As Tim got back Lawson was one of the first people to snatch his new clothes from him. He ran into his room and slammed the door with excitement. You could hear a muffled voice say, "Yes! Finally I get to get out of these filthy clothes! Whooooo!" The group laughed and followed his lead. Lawson was the first one done and he was in his room trying to sleep in his new clothes, which included heavy shoes to help with his kicks, a inner red T-shirt, and a dark maroon jacket with a hood and a blood red bandanna with a psychotic smile on it, which he left down loose around his neck unless he was in a fight but whenever he was in a fight he would pull it up over his nose. Dusty was in his room Putting on his gear Dusty's clothes included jeans with armor like knee plates combat boots, and a black shirt with a leathery dark green jacket and a green mask like handkerchief and with a leather strap going across the chest allowing easy storage.

    As he began to put on his outfit Madilyn walked in and said "Dusty what do you think of-" she stopped short seeing Dusty paused while putting on the black shirt. her face immediately darkened to a red as she dashed out of the room screaming embarrassedly "I'm sorry!". Dusty just gave a little laugh at the scene before putting the rest of his clothes on. Madilyn waited outside Dusty's door flustered, she wore a greenish white dress and had a little leaf pendant in her golden blonde hair. She also had teal shoes.

   Lawson, who was awakened by the scream, kicked open his door. He had one hand on his mask and his other opened ready to form a weapon. He had it half pulled up as he realized that there was no danger. He groaned and slammed the door behind him. The door bounced off the wall and it slowly cracked open before stopping. He then threw his body onto his squeaky bed and closed his eyes. He yelled, "Tim!!! What time is it?" To which Tim replied, "7:48." Lawson said to himself, "ugh, well might as well wait for them to all fall asleep before I head out, it's best to walk at night where no one can bother you." He then rolled over on his side, his slight smile faded into a frown and his eyes had the expression carelessness. His eyebrows relaxed and his face returned to the depressed look he's always had. Tim, who was also finished dressed up, walked out of his room with a half white and half black coat with a faded line splitting the two colors. He had one black sock and one white sock, each on one foot, he had a black shoe on the foot that had the white sock and a white shoe on the foot that had the black sock.

   Later that night, Lawson had woken up to a pitch black room. He got up, quietly and made his way through the hallways. He opened the door to the outside and was met with rain. He sighed and said, "Well this is just wonderful." He stepped out into the rain with his red hood up and walked through the empty streets. He noticed he was in a part of town that was full of crime, such as murders, and break ins. He started to smile slightly as he thought of a joke he made in his head. He shook his head and continued to walk. He knew he'd get jumped and was actually hoping to. "It's been way too long without a little fun." He said as a group of people came out from the shadows.

   He grabbed his mask and put it on over his nose, that creepy smile matched up perfectly with his mouth and his eyes flashed gold signaling that his core was starting to activate. Under his mask he was smiling and he formed a blade like weapon with a hook coming out of the sharp side of the blade and at the tip was like a tip of any other blade. It was basically a big knife with a hook coming out of it, the hook was to cause more damage and could be used to climb, it also had a ring etched into the handle where his pointer finger lay Lawson could also summon these weapons at will like he can any other weapon he creates.

   The ring-like thing was to make sure he didn't get disarmed in battle and so he could spin the blade around his pointer finger. He spun the right blade around his finger and held the left one tightly. The blade was sharper than it looked and Lawson walked slowly to his foes. The rain splattered on the ground as tension rose in the air. Lawson started to have gold glowing streaks running down his legs that showed he was enhancing his legs and he jumped into the air. The gold streaks looked like veins but they were just for show. All they did was pump power into his legs. As he started to fall he brought his weapon down and there was a loud clunk sound. Lawson stopped and started to think, "I don't remember seeing one with a weapon..." he then noticed that one person's core granted the ability to make the skin of the user as hard as diamonds and as sharp as an exact-O knife.

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