𝟎𝟎𝟑. mindless banters

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Monday. It always amazed at how fast the hands of the clock tick. This weekend went by so fast and maybe that's a good thing or maybe that's a bad thing. All in all it's a school day which sucks. I dreaded walking into the school building, but might as well before the chill weather froze me to death. I entered the building and got sadder with every step I took to my first block.

I have math as my first block of the day. I hated math with a passion. I did well in math really I was A student when it came to math, but the science behind math never made sense to me. It was dumb I always thought that math would end up being one of those subjects I'd never use after I finished my education.

While I was walking into my class I bumped into a muscular chest. I mumbled a sorry and kept my head low to hide me from embarrassment. I
I heard the person usher back an "You're pretty, so i'll let it past." I looked up at recognizing the voice to be the same from the party. It was the same Chris who Eva had confused for Vilde's Chris. He had continued to walk with his friends after making his comment. I mindlessly nodded my head at the connection I made in my mind. Somehow a smile crept upon my face in which I shook my face to get rid of the smile. I realized I was standing in that hall daydreaming for way to long, so I hurried to reach class.

When I reached my class I instantly noticed the blonde from the party. Noora. Seeing that all other seats in the back were taken I walked up to her then spoke "Hi Noora, Can I sit?" She didn't answer with words but she smiled and removed her bag from the seat which I took as a yes. "Amalie right?" she asked hopeful. I nodded my head eagerly and we engaged in small conversation about the party we both attended on Friday. She had told me that she was also present when Eva was called a slut and though it was cool of me to comfort her. I smiled and before I could answer the teacher walked in and shushed everyone. I rolled my eyes and she giggled then we both focused on the class.

I began to pack up my bag as the bell signaled first block was over. "What do you have next?" Noora asked. I told her I had science and she told me she had Norwegian and we waved at each other before going in separate directions. Before Noora was fully immersed into the other kids she shouted to find her for lunch. I laughed and shook my head signaling a yes.

Finding for Noora for lunch wasn't so hard as she was waiting for me outside my science class to head out to school yard together. We laughed our whole way to the school yard as we shared stories that happened in our classes. As we ate together I noticed a similar face. It was Chris and some of his friends (I assumed). He stopped right in-front of our table causing those outside to stare at us.

"I didn't quite catch your name at the party." Chris had stated. I smiled before I answered "I would've love to have entertained you that night, but you see the thing is I wasn't quite interested." He smirked then let out an attractive laugh and remarked "I'm sure I can get you interested before the year ends." I was going to add a comment, but he had walked away leaving my clever remark left only for my mind to hear.

Noora had a grin on her face that indicated everything she was going to say. I shook my head already denying the assumptions.We both laughed out loud and I could tell Noora would be a friend I always hold dear to my heart. The rest of the school day was a blur as it went by fast.

Reaching home I was relieved to finally be able to relax and take a shower after a long day. Seeing as I had no homework for tomorrow I resulted to binge watching Friends.


Hii my lovely readers, this chapter is sort of a filler chapter to kind of show how I want the dynamics of some of the relationships to play out in Amalie's life. We saw a bit of Chris and a lot of Noora and a mention of Eva. How did we like this chapter?

Please remember to vote and comment it helps a lot in writing chapters. Also how did you guys like the banter between Chris and Amalie as well as Noora and Amalie. Bye bye for now my amazing readers.

Love yourz,

𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐳𝐞 ; chris schistadWhere stories live. Discover now