Chapter 11: Relaxation

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I don't own Fairy Tail. Fairy Tail is Mr. Hiro Mashima's work. ^^

Arigatou Mr. Hiro Mashima for a wonderful anime series of Fairy Tail. ^^


Comments and Suggestions are highly appreciated. :)

(But no bad words please? >< )



Chapter 11:


Eight days later after that incident in Fairy Tail....

"They heard that all the missing Dragon Slayers were already been found. But for some reason, Cobra is still missing." Macao said as he continue to read the daily newspaper together with Wakaba.

"Maybe he just really ran off?" Wakaba said as he exhaled the smoke from his pipe.

"Could be." Macao agreed as the two of them continue reading.

"By the way Lu-chan, why you look so tired?" Levy asked as she saw Lucy slacking on the bar counter with her head lying on a table. Beside her is Wendy, Charle, Lily, Ryu and Plue.

"Plue Plue!" the white celestial spirit said as she taps Lucy's head.

"Daijoubu Levy." Lucy said as she waved her hand without lifting her head off the table.

Levy just blinked in confusion on what just happened. "Did I miss anything?"

Mira and Cana just giggled. "She's tired indeed since the 8th day."

"Natsu and his team decided to go on a mission. And as of today, they already done three nonstop missions." Mira smiled as she puts down the glasses on the shelves.

"WHAT!?" the bluenette exclaimed as she looks at Wendy who slowly nod.

"And with the fourth one, Lucy decided to pass already. We can't blame her since they sure are excited though. And knowing those destructive kiddos." Cana said as she drinks a barrel of beer while laughing.

"Right after the week of verifying that Hunter. They were asked to stay here and do nothing after all." Lisanna said as she wipes the glass.

(After they captured the Hunter, they were given a week by the council to remain on their guilds as they verify the person they captured. As the 8th come, knowing Natsu and his team, they really got excited to do some missions already. And as a result, they did go on a lot of missions today. Wendy remained at the guild to accompany Lucy. Gajeel and Kyohime continue their training at their guild. While Laxus together with his three bodyguards went off for their job.)


"I'm so hungryyyyy!" Happy said as his tummy growls and he flies down to Natsu's head.

"It's your fault for being excited, Fire Brain! That's the fourth mission with a ZERO reward!" Gray nags.

"What did you said Stripper!" Natsu yelled as they were about to fight but they heard another growling stomach. "Ee? Is that you Happy?" Natsu asked but Happy shook his head. He looked at Gray but Gray also shook his head.

They heard the growling stomach again and with that, there's no doubt who's growling stomach can that be.

"Could it be...." Happy tries to whisper but.... he can see Erza's aura turned black as she glared at them. With that, in an instant, they stopped questioning.

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