Who Are We?

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Who are we? Well, I'm so glad you asked! We are Boss Bitches Community

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Who are we? Well, I'm so glad you asked! We are Boss Bitches Community. Wattpad is filled with more women than men, and if there are men, they aren't really interested in joining communities. Some are, but it's rare. I wanted to create a community where women uplift and empower women and where we as women can showcase our strength. The world is so against us. Very rarely are we really ever getting paid equal to men. While we're supposed to have equal rights, we actually don't.

This community is meant to give us a safe space. A place away from all the horrors of the world. A place where we can all connect and come together as one. A community.

If you're a feminist, or even if you're empathetic to us, you are so welcome here. This isn't a place to bash either gender, so if you are a feminist, keep in mind that we want this to be a safe place even if the opposite gender isn't around. Men are more than welcome to join too, and we want them to feel comfortable here.

Boss Bitches is not based on feminism. I know I made it sound that way, but that's the theme I was interested in. I want to be so much bigger than that. This will be a place for fun hobbies, contests, and other kinds of events, so Buckle up! If you join us, you're in for one hell of a ride.

I know you're probably community surfing right now, but it's important that you read everything. We want to make sure this community is the perfect place for you, and in order to achieve that, you also have to play a part. This isn't just a community you can join and then forget about. We are brand new and will need all hands on deck as we get situated.

We need active members; people who will take this seriously. The last thing we want is for this to feel like a job, so if you don't think you can commit to us completely, I suggest either choosing one of our less demanding positions, or don't join at this time.

As you continue to read through our community book, you will get to know us more and see how we operate. I'm really hoping you'll join us. The more the merrier, as long as you're playing your part and putting in effort.

If you're intrigued, kindly proceed to the next chapter: Benefits Of Joining Us >>>>>

If you're intrigued, kindly proceed to the next chapter: Benefits Of Joining Us >>>>>

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