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(A/N: Can't believe it's been 60 chapters and seriously, I gotta make sure that I finish this story up soon because I have a lot planned and I have other stories that I gotta work on sometime!

Anyway, here's the 60th chapter and I hope you guys enjoy it!)

~With Kai~

Hunter personally asked Masami and I to guide the bus to the PC with a crapload of fans, I was excited, but the thing is, I'm a little nervous because of my phobia of being in a crowded space.

I really don't know how I can handle myself when it happens.

Sure, I have Masami by my side to comfort me if I'm about to go crazy, but I don't know if I can do this.

I love wrestling fans, don't get me wrong, but I don't know if I should do this.

I had to talk to Masami about it, just so I don't have to worry about losing my own sanity, but just as we were already with the shuttle bus, she already noticed.

Masami: カイ、大丈夫? (Kai, are you alright?)

Me: 多くのファンがここバスに来られるように心の準備をしているところです。 (Just mentally preparing myself for many fans to be here in the bus.)

Masami: まあ、本当に? (Oh, really?)

Me: うん。ご存知のとおり、私は大勢の人が集まるのが好きではありません。 (Yeah. I'm not a fan of huge crowds as you already know.)

Masami: 大丈夫だよ、カイ。それはわかってるけど、せめて今夜だけは笑ってみては?私だけのために? (You'll be fine, Kai. I know it, but at least try to smile for tonight? Just for me?)

Me: 私が試してみます。貴方のために。 (I'll try. Just for you.)

Masami: あなたが頑張っているからこそ、私はあなたに恋をしたのです、カイ。 (You trying is exactly why I have fallen in love with you, Kai.)

She kissed my cheek and we had to dress for the occasion.

I was going for my usual clothing, but not when I'm about to wrestle or anything...

I was going for my usual clothing, but not when I'm about to wrestle or anything

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