Chapter 6

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Lilly's eyes shot wide open, she looked around and Lilly saw she was in her room back at the Ironblooded manor. She moved her upper body upwards and saw some of the room was repaired, well she can still see a few slash marks on the ceiling and walls.

Lilly tried to remember what happened but it's very fuzzy in her memories of what happened. She held her head from an incoming headache, but as she was about to leave the bed she saw she was only in a white shirt and black shorts, basically her sleep wear.

But unfortunately she saw all her scars on her arm and legs, a past she wants to forget but seeing them brings her back to those two weeks of being taken and tortured constantly for information on the Arcs and other details. Along with the lack of sleep she almost went insane but still held on to hope for her best friends and others to rescue her, and that they did.

Suddenly the door opens and it startles Lilly but luckily it was her head maid Yukiko Alatreon. The maids eyes widen open and she hugged her mistress and Lilly almost passed out from the strong bear hug.

Yukiko: "Ma'am I'm so happy to see you are awake!!"

Yukiko tears up a little and Lilly hugs her back with a smile.

Lilly: "I'm happy to be back Yukiko, please wipe your tears, or else your make up would smear and fall."

Yukiko let her go and gently cleaned her tears.

Lilly: "Just to be clear, how many days was I out for?"

Yukiko: "Well ma'am you were out for three days."

Lilly: "W-What?! Three days?! I gotta see if Juniper needs-"

Yukiko then stopped her from leaving the bed. And she glared at her mistress.

Yukiko: "Ma'am please, you must rest. You've been asleep for three days, let your body unwind and your mind settle from overworking yourself mixing in with stress."

Lilly decided to give in and lay back down, its no good trying to go against Yukiko's orders, or else your head will be full of lumps.

Lilly: "Umm Yukiko."

Yukiko was about to leave but Lilly stopped and looked at her mistress.

Lilly: "Just to ask. Did I have any visitors?"

Yukiko: "Yes you did, you had a few and one of them was Ms Violet, Vick and her majesty was here to check up on you along with your teammates. Unfortunately Jaune couldn't visit you because at the same time you went berserk he was sent to the Four Kingdoms to hide with the help of two allies there. He's staying there because even if Nicolas is gone there's still other people that still continue his work."

Lilly nodded her head and layed back down in her bed, she'll use this time to get some very much needed sleep. She just hoped that she won't be having her nightmares again.

But unfortunately Lilly remembers something, that old man, he told her to talk to Jaunes grandfather Liam. He told her to talk to him about the founders and possibly about him.

Lilly is thinking on it but right now she needs to rest and get back to her full strength. Another thing she'll do later is she'll try to transform into that wolf again, but Lilly is apprehensive about it though. She's afraid she'll go berserk again.

But she'll try all that later, she's going to sleep and rest for now.

Two Week Time Skip

Violet Evergarden was walking up to the Ironblooded manor to check on Lilly, she was worried now that her friend now had proper rest she'll be better and to her former self and not drowsy and tired looking. She walked up to the manor door and knocked at the door. She waited for a bit till it opened and Yukiko opened it.

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