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"The Soldier above all others prays for peace, for it is the soldier who must suffer and bear the deepest wounds and scars of war."

- Douglas MacArthur

A Blackhawk helicopter was cruising above the tree line of a jungle in the Outlands of Arcadia, most of these areas haven't been mapped yet so going in without proper knowledge of what the terrain is like. Sure Arcadian satellite photos help but within this jungle they can't see anything below the canopy of dense trees.

A woman was within the heli readying up her equipment for a mission PERSONALLY given to her by her majesty herself. At first Lily was bewildered on who her target is, but Lily can see why the Empresses former husband is her prey.

He's an all round slimy bastard he is.

Back in the helicopter Lily was going through her mission file again to make sure nothing was left out. Her target was spotted from satellite photos in a wide open area of the jungle, they suspected that Johnathan would employ some mercs and other soldiers under his service to guard him. But for Lily she'll definitely like a challenge, well not necessarily fighting him, John is an easy fish to flay, but tracking and finding him will be the challenge for Lily.

Getting closer to her target area to enter the jungle but her pilot informed her that a storm is approaching, that will make the mission slightly harder but Lily hunted in conditions like these or worse before.

As the pilot stopped for her landing area, Lily saw one personal note left by Juniper and it said as follows.....

"Kill the bastard, he deserves to have his head on a pike for nearly destroying my family, be sure to execute him slowly and PAINFULLY."

Lily read it and under her skull like mask she smirked. Well if it's an order from the Queen, you must follow said order diligently and to the very T~.

The young soldier then jumped out of the helicopter and landed in the flat grassland area of the jungle. In her helmet's ear phones she heard the pilot say "Happy Hunting." After that Lily looked at the ascending helicopter and gave it a two fingered salute. Lily focused back on the mission at hand and quickly jumped up to a tree and landed on one of it's branches. The young huntress jumped from tree branch to tree branch. After landing on a large branch that was strong enough to hold her Lily decided to access her left gauntlet, after a couple designated buttons her helmet's vision siffed through it's vast amounts of visions and see if she can spot anything.

 After landing on a large branch that was strong enough to hold her Lily decided to access her left gauntlet, after a couple designated buttons her helmet's vision siffed through it's vast amounts of visions and see if she can spot anything

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Unfortunately they turned up nothing.

Lily: "Dammit, all this rain is going against me."

After her last few visions she cought something and instantly went back to it. In this vision she can see sets of foot prints and such that's not natural on a grassy or muddy ground. Luckily she noticed a few animal footprints but she recognized a pattern that WAS human and she locked on to that pattern and follows it. She hopes it will lead to her target, right now she's still in unknown territory with the tree canopy blocking satellite photos. Well .... just have to improvise on the way there.

The Huntress of ArcadiaWhere stories live. Discover now