Chapter 1

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Lilly continued her mission and was jumping from tree to tree while continuesly scanning the ground and the canopy, the ground for any soldiers and the canopy for drones scanning the canopy. She continues but stops, Lilly looks down and decides to quietly slide down the tree trunk with her clawed gloves. She uses them for both maneuvering and attacking.

The assassin quietly walked in the shadows and stayed around tall bushes to hide herself. Lilly was slowly getting closer to her targets location. But Lilly was getting a light headache and her eyes became a little blurry. She stopped and shook her head and held her forehead in pain.

Lilly: "Dammit... I don't care if I get nightmares, I need rest."

Lilly decided to walk the path and have her cloaking on. Even though now it's a light rain in the forest but luckily she fixed the problem with Yautja cloaking where it short circuits when water is introduced into it's physical form, so now she's able to hide more efficiently.

After around thirty minutes Lilly was walking up on the target area she stopped and now it's like a misting rain but she doesn't know why but it's messing with her cloaking, so having no use in hiding she decloacks and reveals herself in the open. She looked around and something felt off about this mist.

Lilly held her hand out and removed her mask, she moved the water around in her fingers along with deeply sniffing it

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Lilly held her hand out and removed her mask, she moved the water around in her fingers along with deeply sniffing it. She noticed that some type of magic was being used around here that affected the mist and it affected her cloaking. She was also figuring out if something physical was in it as well, like some ash or something.

A jolt went up her spine and she hastefully put her mask back on. She slowly strolled forward, but her eyes were blurry again.

Lilly: "Shit, I gotta do this quickly..."

Suddenly a clawed trap triggered and chomped to her left leg, Lilly loudly roared in pain and without warning six men, three on the left and right unlocked themselves in camo blankets. The six pulled a chain connected to the trap on her and she fell backwards, an extra trap clamped on to her left arm but luckily a trap on the right missed her right arm.

The men we're reinforced by three more running up with an electric next and it went around her. Jolts of electricity went through her and her system almost paralyzing her. She screamed and jolted from the electric current. While on the ground in pain Lilly heard footsteps, as she painfully lifted her head she saw Jaunes father Nicolas walking towards her, he stopped and grinned at her.

Nicolas: "I figured my bitch of a former wife would send her shadow after me. Take her away to a cage, relieve her of her equipment and weapons so we can use them. After, have your fun with her boys, that broken girl has no use to me."

Nicolas walked away and the men all laughed with this victory, they brought down a shadow of the queen and she has powerful equipment that they have access to. While still trying to get out of this trap she noticed her right arm was still free but held on to by one of the men. While giggling away like a hyena lilly moved her gauntlet closer to his face, and let it's blades go. The blades went through the guys skull with the rest of the blades poking out of the top.

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